Pastor Appreciation Day and Month Are Almost Here October is - TopicsExpress


Pastor Appreciation Day and Month Are Almost Here October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Specifically, the second Sunday, the 13th this year, is National Pastor Appreciation Day. However, any Sunday in October -- or any day of the year -- is a great day for your congregation to honor your pastor. Observance of Pastor Appreciation Day and Month began in the early 1990s and is now observed across the country and around the world. 6 Good Reasons to Appreciate Your Pastor 1. Pastors like to be appreciated. Believe it or not, your pastor is a real person with real human emotions. Everyone likes to be appreciated. Everyone! Pastors are no different. 2. Your pastor works hard for you, your family and your congregation. Most pastors work more hours for less pay than if they were applying the same skills in a secular profession. Your pastor serves as public speaker, educator, counselor, project manager and director. Plus, pastors are always on call whenever an emergency arises in the church family. Most pastors give out much more than they ever receive in return. Your church can even things up a bit by expressing your appreciation. 3. Your pastor is there for you during life’s milestones. When a baby is born, your pastor is there to celebrate. When there is a wedding, your pastor officiates. During a hospitalization, your pastor shows up to comfort and pray. When there is a death in the family, your pastor helps you get through that hard time. Your pastor is like a member of the family. 4. Pastor appreciation is not just about a person, it is about an office. Even if your current pastor is not your favorite, the office of pastor deserves your respect. A pastor holds a position of honor in the Kingdom of God. The pastor is “God’s steward” over the body and delivers God’s Word to His people. That role deserves respect. Respect is a rare commodity these days, even in the church. Is your church having problems with disunity and complaining? Is lack of respect one reason why? Have your members ever been taught to show respect for their pastors? 5. Pastors do better when they are appreciated. Pastors should serve the Lord, not men. However, when pastors labor over sermons and projects and never receive any thanks, they question whether their efforts are in vain. Nobody does their best work when they think nobody appreciates what they are doing. The steel tycoon Charles Schwab said, “The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.” A simple “Thank you!” can energize a pastor who may be struggling with doubts about whether he is doing any good. 6. How would you feel if you lost your pastor? Did you know that about half of all ministers think about quitting their jobs during any given month? When a church loses its pastor, it often goes through a lengthy interim period during which attendance, finances and outreach decline. Your church’s appreciation may be the very thing that encourages your pastor to hang in there. Aren’t you thankful that your church has a gifted individual to preach and teach God’s Word, inspire you to achieve your spiritual best, officiate at weddings, visit during hospital stays and provide comfort when you are grieving? If you are, then make sure to express it. Your pastor deserves your appreciation.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 02:38:28 +0000

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