Pastor Betty Miller writes: God created us as spiritual beings - TopicsExpress


Pastor Betty Miller writes: God created us as spiritual beings (Genesis 2:7), and our spirit is like a lamp by which He searches us. Every thought and intent of our heart is clearly visible to God. Until we see that we are made in Gods image, we cannot begin to understand ourselves. Man is a trichotomy: spirit, soul, and body. God is a trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We cannot fully understand this mystery, but perhaps through some analogies we can gain an understanding both of Him and ourselves. A man might be a father, a husband, and a son; one man with three different roles. He relates to his children, wife, and parents in different ways. In the same way, God relates to us in three different roles. In another example, we see that water can be a solid, liquid, or vapor, and yet it is still one compound. God is seen as Jesus, who was in a physical body; He can be felt like rivers of living water as the Holy Spirit, and He is known as our Father. Jesus is the Word of God, through whom the Father is revealed. Man is a spirit who has a soul (mind, will, and emotions), and lives in a body. Though separable; mans body, soul, and spirit are interconnected and comprise one being. Thus, man reflects the triune God.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 12:16:39 +0000

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