Pastor Bullock and First Lady Bullock, charged ever member in - TopicsExpress


Pastor Bullock and First Lady Bullock, charged ever member in position to attend the Armour Beares Training Class upon today. When I tell you that in this one meeting I have been challenged and under conviction on how I treat and care for my Pastors. Why do we question what our Pastors and First Ladies say to us concerning the message they bring and their lives? If you believe that God has assigned you to the Pastor and First Lady of your Church. Why do we question, judge, and persecute them so? Today’s Armour Bearer meeting was taught by our on Bishop Wright, with True Worship of Miami, Florida! I’m beginning to understand more and more why Pastor Bullock is so strict with his leaders. Bishop Wright spoke on how he has done away with Armour Bearers based on his past trails and storms. It seems that the position of an Armour Bearer for many (so called leaders) under the Pastor. Has obtained the purpose of self gain, so often time individuals with this title, thinks it’s about themselves and the position they may have. Holding the Pastors bible, passing him a towel or napkin when he sweats, offering him water when you think his thirst, all for self gain, to show you have a “position in the Church”. As a person with a close position with your Pastor; you have to live in the mentality of serving God and not the man. Therefore the man of God that is the Pastor in your life is made of flesh just as you and I are. You must believe in your heart that you are ordained to serve the Pastor that you are under. You must have thick skin and the capabilities and abilities to cover your Pastors, through it all!!!!!!!! We are so quick to get upset with our Pastors when they correct us in our errors. Oftentimes we persecute the Man and Women of God, WHY? If we trust God and believe he assigned you under a Pastor. Then SUPPORT, PROTECT AND COVER YOUR PASTORS. I love my Pastors! Pastor Bullock and First Lady Bullock, every week I notice a change within me and my husband under this Ministry in a way that our lives are approving. If you don’t believe in the Pastor you are assigned to, then leave them along go to a Church where you feel that’s better for you. STOP HARMING THE MEN AND WOMEN OF GOD WITH WICKED WAYS AND THOUGHTS. If you don’t believe in them and what they say, DON’T HARM THEM. We get upset and in our emotions about the simplest things. What If Yeshua (who the world knows as Jesus) handled us the way we handle our Church leaders? Get it together People of God. We are striving for EXCELLENCE in our ministry (Grace and Favor). I know that many members feel the same way I feel concerning my Pastors. If there is anyway in my capabilities and abilities, along with the anointing of Yeshua, where I can push the Man and Women of God ministry, I pledge I’M GOING TO DO IT! What we often don’t get until it’s too late and we have walked away! Is that the anointing do transfer. The anointing that’s on Pastor Bullock and Lady Bullock life will be transferred to the members that have not fainted. Then we can go on and past the GREAT news of the gospel.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 04:31:48 +0000

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