Pastor Chad Carter shared this on His Time Line earlier with this - TopicsExpress


Pastor Chad Carter shared this on His Time Line earlier with this accompanying discourse: Racial tension is at an all-time high in our nation, thanks to Barack Obama, Eric Holder, the fake reverend Al Sharpton and others who have fanned the flames of racial animosity, creating it where it doesnt exist and ignoring it in cases where it does. And unfortunately, many within the church have bought into a false narrative that race is the issue instead of criminality. The church should be focusing on ALL LIVES mattering, not just black lives (and that would include the 2 police officers brutally assassinated with bullets to the head at the hands of a black man out to kill white police). This whole racist movement is based on a lie. The facts prove its all based on made-up, fabricated LIES. And no believers should lend themselves to such a thing. Please give this a listen. I whole-heartedly agree with Judge Jeanine Pirros remarks on this: -Pastor Chad Carter While I very rarely share politically charged Post... I do feel it is necessary to encourage those who are striving to be followers of Jesus Christ to understand that we are called to a higher calling.. First, we have an obligation to GOD to stand with Him and His Word... to be obedient to His commands..... and NOT to be overcome with emotionalism stoked by fleshly opinions that most times are influenced by satan. We are called to die to the flesh and walk after the TRUTH(Holy Spirit inspired Word of God)...and NOT after the flesh... and yes that is hard some times... BUT it doesnt have to be(because Jesus equips us to do all things right according to him). We are called to judge the tree by the fruit it bares. To recognize the works of darkness by the works they present... or the works of righteousness by the works they show forth.... ANY time some thing is supporting wrong doing, or defending something GOD specifically says NOT to do(i.e. sin, hatred, brutality, criminality, attacking authority figures, fornication, rebellion, etc)... then we can NEVER stand with that...regardless to how strongly our feelings are about it, or how badly something hurts. Now, While we are not supposed to bring railing accusation against those in governmental authority.. (we know this because The Arch Angel Michael did not even bring railing accusation against satan, but rather said I rebuke you in the name of Jesus... nor did the prophets of old bring railing accusation against kings, they merely spoke the truth of God to and about any situation)... We ARE supposed to stand on the TRUTH of GOD and expose sin...lies... hatred... malignity ... wickedness... works of darkness... so that those who are sheep will not be deceived. We ARE to call sin sin and wrong wrong. GOD determines what is right and what is WRONG... NO exceptions. The saddest part in all of to see those who claim the name of Jesus Christ standing with the works of darkness... stoking and fanning the flames of division, hatred, strife, and yes... by their stand and words, have even contributed to the violence. ... when rather... our stance should ALWAYS be with reconciliation, unity, forgiveness, truth rather than ASSUMPTIONS... FACTS rather than conjecture... or seeds that were fabricated LIES planted into soil that already struggled with the weeds of bitterness and anger and hurt.... and WHEN WE KNOW BETTER... we are to DO better.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:56:29 +0000

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