Pastor Darrins Word of the Week The Local Church There are - TopicsExpress


Pastor Darrins Word of the Week The Local Church There are some things in your life that will never come to pass without a strong connection to a local church. Since being saved (born again,) the local church has been my means of developing into a stronger and more effective Christian. The church is where I gave my heart to Jesus. The church is where I was filled with the Spirit. The local church is where I began and continue to grow in faith! Sure you or I can grow apart from the local church but it wont be the way God designed us to grow! The Bible says in 1 Corintians 12, The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12 NLT) Vs 13 says, ..But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:13 NLT) As the body of Christ (the LOCAL body of Christ,) we are JOINED to one another!!! Our destinys are CONNECTED!!! I met my wife (the one God had for me) AT CHURCH!! My closest, dearest, and Godliest connections have been formed IN THE LOCAL CHURCH!!! Russell Conwell authored a book in 1890 called, Acres of Diamonds. In the book he gave a principle that, men dont need to travel the world looking for diamonds... but rather dig in their own back yard! He gave a story of an individual who sold everything he had (including his own farm) to go out looking for diamonds. Come to find out the property he sold became one of the largest diamond fields around!!! I believe you and Is GREATNESS is already in us!! We just have to mine it out! More importantly our greatness TRULY lies in the Godly connections and bonds we form with OTHER BELIEVERS! Those connections and the WORK God connects us to is found in the LOCAL CHURCH!!! God has a place for you to serve and connect. God has a plan for you to prosper! God has a plan for your overall health and well being! God has a plan for your significance! God has a PLAN for YOUR CHILDREN and their children!!! All of these things and MUCH, MUCH MORE are ALL found and connected to the LOCAL CHURCH!! Your DESTINY is CONNECTED to the local church!! STAY CONNECTED to the most IMPORTANT organization in the WORLD.... THE LOCAL CHURCH!!! Side Note: When I say local church, I dont mean a religious orgization with a building with a steeple on top! What I mean when I say local church, is a living, breathing, God directed, faith filled, love walking, not perfect, but growing up into all of the fullness of God church! There are a lot of dead churches out there that are nothing more than religious buildings with spiritually DEAD people in them! The true church is ALIVE and following Gods heart in these last times we all live in!! Get Connected and STAY CONNECTED to a LOCAL CHURCH thats thriving!! Your destiny depends on it!!! If its not thriving, but you feel called there, ask The Lord what your part is to make it thrive and bring life to those around it! Blessings, Darrin
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 16:20:33 +0000

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