Pastor E.A. Adeboye wrote: To bring down a believer, the devil - TopicsExpress


Pastor E.A. Adeboye wrote: To bring down a believer, the devil focuses on his or her weak points. Everyone has at least one point of weakness. Yet to overcome the overtures of the devil, you must focus on what he focuses on. That is, if he is focusing on your weakness so that he can bring you down by it, you too should focus on how to use the word of God and prayer to work on it, until it becomes your strong point. Do you know that if your weakness is that you find it difficult to resist anything in skirt, God can help you to the extent that even when a lady is naked before you, you will not be under any pressure to sin with her? Such character does not evolve by itself. It takes a careful study of the word of God, prayer and discipline. Are you ready to turn your weakness into your strong point? Satan is good at showing people things to tempt them. That he showed you sometimes does not mean that you have already sinned. In Matthew 4, he took Jesus to a height and showed Him the glory of this world. Thereafter, he offered to give these to Him if only He could bow to him. Oh! How cheap you may say! Just one innocuous bow and you get all these? What a lie! A bow to Satan is more than an ordinary bow. That single bow will subordinate you to him and his evil government. That bow would make you his slave for a life time. That bow would separate you from the Lover of your soul and drown you in hell eternally. One way out is to refuse to see what the devil wants to show you. In your office as an accounts or finance officer, Satan can show you the loop hole in the organization’s account and tell you to exploit it and make ‘clean’ money for yourself. Don’t agree with him. Do you know that, Satan’s agent of temptation, who is saddled with the task of making you sin, can be converted? Today, some ladies who came to lure some brothers to fornication have ended up giving their lives to Christ. This is why when the spiritual battle is getting too hot, Satan withdraws his agents out of fear of losing them. You can overcome the devil! Just as Satan can set you up to fall into sin, you too can prayerfully set up Satan’s agent to be saved. And Satan will be in sorrow.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 02:27:24 +0000

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