Pastor Loren is home from a conference he spoke at in Michigan. - TopicsExpress


Pastor Loren is home from a conference he spoke at in Michigan. This is a recent repost from him. Please continue to lift our Pastor up in prayer. Thanks! Loren Sandford: I just got off the plane from speaking for a great conference in Michigan to find a request from Jennifer LeClaire of Charisma Magazine. She asked to quote two of my articles (from my Prophetic Moments emailings) in a book shes writing. One of them so perfectly warns about something that can happen when a new pulse of the Spirit is under way that I felt I should put it up here once more. Its just too much of a coincidence not to know its God. Something has shifted at New Song and God is moving in a fresh way. Here it is: We are coming into the time of a new outpouring of the Spirit. This will not be a reliving of past revivals, nor a continuation of the movements of recent decades. It will be different in ways that would be difficult to explain apart from the actual experience of it. I can say only that a fresh newness is coming to us who can receive it and that it will be more rooted in the Fathers heart and the character of Jesus than any that have come before. Be aware, however, that historically whenever there has been a fresh move of the Spirit, opposition has erupted. It comes in two forms. The first comes from those who dont really want the Spirit to move, who cant handle the mess it makes or who find their theology threatened by it. It would seem that the spirit of religion cannot allow for anything to occur that human beings cannot control or understand. I learned long ago that one persons order and decency are another persons boredom and death and that not everyone will be comfortable with the freedom revival brings. Hidden in what might outwardly appear to be chaos may be a well-established order and set of protocols. On the other hand, beneath an outwardly reserved appearance, someone might be having a deep and powerful experience of God. Let criticism stop, and let us respect one anothers natures! Realize also that it is biblically sound for God to act in ways that are unprecedented and out of the box. There was, for instance, no biblical precedent for the gift of tongues on the Day of Pentecost. While Joel and others foresaw the gift of the Spirit, no passage of the Old Testament could be construed as a clear prophecy of that gift. While God will never actually contradict Scripture or act in a way not consistent with His own nature, He nevertheless does whatever He pleases (Ps. 115:3), and we would be wise to make room for it. The second form of opposition comes from those who want revival and dont mind the mess it makes but who think themselves immune to deception. Specifically in these days to come, the enemy will access weaknesses and unhealed regions of the heart to twist words and perceptions in order to paint the leaders of that move of the Spirit as having less-than-pure motives or as having said abusive or inappropriate things that were neither said nor intended. As the words actually spoken get twisted and changed, offense will be taken, then held in the heart and fed. If not actually altered, words spoken innocently and in righteousness will often be perceived in ways that distort their meaning and intent. Those who get caught in this trap will be led to believe that their discernment is godly and accurate so that correction becomes exceedingly difficult and is often rejected. The enemy intends this to cause division and to wound and weaken leaders so that they cannot lead as effectively as God intends. Lest anyone in my own circles think Im speaking specifically of you, know that I am in touch with pastors and leaders in many places who tell me stories that reflect the dynamic Im articulating. It is not uncommon and comes with the territory. This two-headed demon of opposition rises simultaneously with an increase in the move of the Spirit and blinds those caught in it to what is really going on. Not one of us is so holy as to be immune to this! I have been privileged to live through thecharismatic renewal, the Vineyard movement, shades of Pentecostalism and lately the Toronto Blessing, and I have seen this dynamic played out every time God has launched a new thing. To think that you are immune to it constitutes the kind of pride that comes before a fall. Dont fall prey to the enemys strategy! Stand for oneness. Keep your heart clean. Before assuming anything about the heart of another or even what you think you understand from what youve heard or seen, ask questions and then honor the answers you receive. Whats coming is glorious, but the way is narrow that leads to life.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 23:32:57 +0000

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