Pastor Mel Bond, a seer, tells of his times learning with Jesus - TopicsExpress


Pastor Mel Bond, a seer, tells of his times learning with Jesus and of demons, and it reminds me - I have had a similar situation shortly after being baptised in the Holy Spirit. Little did I know, then, but I had the gift of distinguishing of spirits. For me, in this one instance I had demons grabbing at my feet and legs in bed, trying to drag me out of bed from the foot of my bed. Needless to say, I was freaking out. But, its a funny thing, I remembered to try not to fear, to find my peace and I started singing worship songs. They werent pulling on me until I stopped singing. So then I really started singing with all my heart to the Lord. It took about three times of singing and stopping to check if they were going to stay away and they finally did. But it was a season where I stayed very close to Jesus. I believe it was a testing of some sorts. The enemy will pick on you if you do not know who you are in Christ and in the beginning you will do well by staying close to God! Thank You, Jesus, my Savior! Glory to God! Mel Bond - I remember an experience I had about January 1974. I went to sleep and entered into the spirit world. I saw Jesus and He told me the rest of my life I would have confrontations with demon spirits. I give greater details of this experience in my book, “Understanding Your Worst Enemy”. In this vision Jesus told me I would not have to be concerned, because He would always be with me, and the demons would always leave when I would rebuke them in Jesus name. I’ve had many visions of Jesus and I’ve always noticed when He says something, there is volumes of information that is put into my spirit and mind. There have been times that He said nothing and still volumes of information is transmitted into my spirit and mind. So when Jesus told me that He would always be with me, He was also telling me very clear and strong that all I had to do was rebuke the devil or demon spirits in His name and they would leave. So, while I laid in bed that night about 2 A.M., I cried out to the Lord in my spirit and mind and said, “Jesus, you told me if I rebuked demons in your name, they would always have to leave”; why are they not leaving. Instantly Jesus told me, these type of demons are rebuked by having your mind stayed on Me, my Word. This little conversation might seem to be a few minutes, however it was only seconds, maybe 2-3. So immediately I began to think with my whole heart on a passage of scripture. I noticed immediately that peace of mind came, so I decide to stop and check to see if the demons where still there. This gives them authority to come back as strong as they were before. So I rushed back into that passage of scripture with my whole heart, with my whole mind and they left again, the peace came back to me, so I checked again to see if the demons were gone; this again give them rights to come back and torment and torture me. I did this 3 times and each time the demons came back to torment. I then made up my mind to keep my mind stayed on the Word of God; and peace remained and I went off to sleep a supernatural divine sleep.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 06:50:54 +0000

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