Pastor Mikes Daily Devotion Wednesday October 8, - TopicsExpress


Pastor Mikes Daily Devotion Wednesday October 8, 2014 Colossians 4:2, Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; One of the difficult things with e-mail is that it is hard to express emotion. We can easily word something more strongly than we desire. I will usually reread what I have written to make sure that I am expressing myself properly. When it comes to my speech, I need to consider my tone of voice and manner of speaking, depending upon who I am speaking to, as well as the intent I want to express. Then there is prayer, man speaking to God. It is here that we have a quick guide in how we are to approach it. First, are you earnest in prayer? A person who earnestly prays is someone who does so with a persistent devotion. This person is strong in faith. The bible tells us that God hears our prayers, and we are told to pray according to His will. A person of persistent prayer understands and believes this. His dedication comes from the knowledge and confidence that he has the ear of God. Next, when considering your prayer life, are you vigilant in prayer? The word vigilant here carries the connotation of staying awake. You could, as Peter, James, and John did, slumber during prayer. They slept in the garden just hours before the crucifixion, and failed at this task they had been given by Jesus. One area where I see an opportunity for more diligent prayer is for our government. If the church today prayed for the government as much as it complains about the government, I think we would see God healing our land. It can be so easy to fall asleep on the job when it comes to prayer, but we must push on. Lastly, do your prayers include the giving of thanks to our God who has given all to you? A thankful person of prayer remembers the gift of grace that God has given to him. When you include appreciation in the midst of earnest and vigilant prayer, it sets your sight on His will and not your own. Psalm 55:17, Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 10:00:01 +0000

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