Pastor Oladiyun One of rains that God promised us as His children - TopicsExpress


Pastor Oladiyun One of rains that God promised us as His children according to Joel 2 : 28 – 30 is the rain of power. The power we are asking God to rain upon us today is the rain of anointing; the Holy Spirit Joel 2: 28 – 30; And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions 29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. 30 And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and fire, and pillars of smoke. The outpouring of the Spirit today is for everyone irrespective of our age. God actualized the promise upon the early Apostles in Acts of Apostles 2 : 1 – 4 . TEN THINGS THAT HAPPEN WHEN THE RAIN OF HIS POWER FALLS 1. Your faith is energised: The devil is always contending with our faith, either to steal or weaken it. John 10:10; Proverbs 24:10; It is the power of God that energies our faith so that it does not fail. On a day that matters, your faith will not fail you in the name of Jesus 2. Boldness to fulfil purpose: You cannot fulfil or deliver your mandate until you are empowered. Luke 24:29, 3. Strength for the journey of life: When the rain of God’s power falls upon you, you receive strength for your marriage, career, business, studies, etc. When I talk of strength, I do not mean the physical alone, but also the ability to do as you desire. The courage to face up to challenges of life. Isaiah 40: 29 -31 This year, you will enjoy divine might in the name of Jesus. 4. Your enemies are subdued: God’s empowerment makes your enemies to be subdued by you. You have run away for the enemies long enough; receive power to subdue them today in the name of Jesus. Remember I told you that not only human beings are enemies but also situations and circumstances. Psalm 66 : 3; 5. Everlasting authority and dominion: God created you to have dominion and not to be dominated. Genesis 1 : 28 6. Total Healing: Your body and everything pertaining to you shall be completely healed in the name of Jesus. Malachi 3 : 1 – 3 7. Overcoming all the efforts and activities of the enemies: I speak again, no activity of the enemies will have any negative impact upon your life this year in the name of Jesus. After today’s encounter with His power, you will no longer run after the Pastor to tell him of your dreams anymore as you will receive power that will stop every negative and unpalatable dreams in your life in the name of Jesus. It does not matter any deadly thing that the enemy feeds you with this year, it will not have any impact on your life in the name of Jesus. Luke 10 : 19; 8. Satanic strongholds are pulled down: When the power from on high rained upon you, every stronghold of Satan is pulled down. Nothing shall withstand or prevent you from accessing your realm of glory this year in the name of Jesus. Be it human or a thing which may want to stand as a stronghold before you shall be crushed by the power of God in the name of Jesus. 2 Corinthians 10 : 3 -5 9. Ability for fruitfulness: Fruitfulness is not only limited to the fruit of the womb. It can also be business, marital, career, spiritual or material fruitfulness. Remember the angel’s announcement to Mary ; Luke 1 : 34 – 37 10. Unlimited signs and wonders: Signs and wonders are what you experience when His power comes upon you. Joel 2 : 28 – 30; Your life will emit signs and wonders this year in the name of Jesus. PRAYERS 1. O Lord, send the rain of Your power upon my life today, send it upon the lives of my spouse and each of my children, baptize us with Your fresh anointing and with the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus. 2. Throughout this year Father, help my faith never to fail, energise my faith with Your power today in the name of Jesus. Pray for your loved ones.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 06:31:57 +0000

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