Pastor Rony’s message for the night FORGIVEN MUCH was based on - TopicsExpress


Pastor Rony’s message for the night FORGIVEN MUCH was based on Luke 7:36-50. Here the Bible tells us that Jesus accepted the invitation of Simon, a Pharisee, to a dinner and so He was at his home. At that time, there were many Pharisees who plotted to kill Jesus. They did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah sent by God. They rather chose to believe that Jesus was a rebel and were against His teachings and miracles. Simon was indeed a brave religious leader to have invited Jesus to his house. We find in verse 37 that in that town was a woman who lived a sinful life. She heard that Jesus was eating in the Pharisee’s house. So she brought an alabaster jar full of perfume and made her way there. This was also a brave woman because she gatecrashed into the compound without being invited. Simon could have invited many important and religious guests. But this woman, an outcast and streetwalker who lived a promiscuous life, was certainly an uninvited guest. However, she boldly came to do a personal honor to Jesus. She displayed her faith in Christ which was greater than being rejected and despised. The woman entered the house, came from the back and knelt down before Jesus. She began to weep and wet the feet of Jesus with her tears. Then she dried Jesus’ feet with her hair and kissed them. Opening the alabaster jar, she poured the expensive perfume on the feet of Jesus. You may wonder what made her do so. Obviously, her life was changed by the message of Jesus which ministered to her and brought a major transformation in her life. As such, she went against all odds to show her deep gratitude and love for Christ. Conversely, when Simon saw her unusual act, he said to himself that if Jesus really was a prophet, He would know that she was a sinful woman and would not have allowed her to touch Him (verse 39). However, Jesus, discerning his thoughts, told a story to counter his thinking (verses 41-42). Here we must be aware that Jesus knows all our thoughts whether we believe Him or not. In the story, Jesus said there were two men who owed money to a money lender. One owed him five hundred silver coins and the other owed fifty. Neither of them could repay him so he canceled the debts of both men. Then Jesus asked, “Which of them will love him more?” Simon replied it was the one who was forgiven more and Jesus said he answered correctly (verse 43). Then Jesus turned to the woman and said to Simon that the love she had shown through her act proved that she had been forgiven much. Jesus was making a vital point that whoever has been forgiven much shows more love and those forgiven little shows only a little love (verse 47). Jesus said to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven.” The other guests began to question among themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” But Jesus told the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” (verses 48-50). Now, you may ask who has the power and right to forgive sins? In the ordinary daily affairs, we have the power to forgive one another as God expects us to do. But when we refer to the sinful nature of mankind that affects our eternity, only God can forgive. The Bible says the soul that sins must surely die. This death is referring to eternal damnation. One can never imagine a soul being tormented in hell forever. For this reason Jesus Christ came 2,000 yrs ago, died a gruesome death on the Cross and rose again victoriously. He became our Sin-Bearer to redeem us from the jaws of eternal death. Do you have the assurance that you have been forgiven much? Truly, we are forgiven unconditionally by the living God when we repent of our sins. There are two great motivations for people to give up sin. One is love, the other is fear; and they go hand in hand. When we know of God’s unfailing love that counters the fear of eternal damnation, we will be motivated to be delivered from sin. So believe in Jesus, the Sacrificial Lamb of God, and receive your salvation today. This is the most important decision you can make and have your eternity settled in Heaven. Besides, when you know exactly where you are going after this life is over, you will be confident to live a purposeful life here on earth. At the altar call, many came forward to say the salvation prayer and receive Christ into their hearts. Miracle Service Report November 08, 2014 Reported by Sarah Koh #miracleservice #lighthouseevangelism #lighterslink
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 09:57:49 +0000

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