Pastor to the People! Too many Christians see Worship as - TopicsExpress


Pastor to the People! Too many Christians see Worship as wearing uncomfortable clothes, sitting in uncomfortable seats, singing unsingable songs and following a conscripted “Order of Service.” All in all, not a very enjoyable experience. Back in 2003 during the Gulf War, after Baghdad fell to the allied troops, Saddam Hussein’s statue was torn down. It was a joyous celebration of the overthrow of a cruel and wicked dictator. One TV commentator said, “These people are used to coming out and PRAISING Saddam. If they didn’t, they were punished. He had a policy of “Compulsory Adulation.” The Bible tells us that God is seeking for worshippers, but He has no policy of “Compulsory Adulation.” He wants to be worshipped passionately but freely. Once we see God for Who He is, we will break forth into spontaneous praise with contagious passion. We were created to worship God. There is no higher pleasure. In Heaven no one will announce “Now please turn to hymn 263. We will sing the first, second and last verses followed by the announcements.” If you’ve even tasted real, passionate worship, you crave more of it, not less. And anything less will never do again. Today, this day, let’s worship God like never before…”Lost in wonder, love and praise.” In His Love, Al Meredith
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 12:00:00 +0000

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