Pastors, Preachers, and Clergymen. You know, Ive been wondering. - TopicsExpress


Pastors, Preachers, and Clergymen. You know, Ive been wondering. How come so many Pastors when preaching about Noah and the Ark, always leave out the true reason for the flood? What I mean is, why dont they explain to their congregations why men had to be wiped from the face of the earth other than just saying the earth was filled with sin and wickedness. Isnt it a fact that the offspring of Humans and Angelic beings had polluted the DNA of men? Furthermore, when discussing the wars Israel had when encountering others on lands that stood between them and their promised land had to be wipe out of human inhabitants. Why isnt the whole story told there? Wasnt it because the Giants still remained and polluted the gene pool there? When pastors omit these fact, they portray God as some cruel personage and many non-believers often cite that as a reason not to believe. Make your sermons plain and cover all perceived questions. Dont sugar coat either. Tell the truth concerning what has transpired. Giants were the offspring of humans and fallen Angels. Tell the truth no matter how outrageous it may sound. You are preaching about an invisible God. Is it too much of a stretch to believe in the existence of Angelic beings and those that fell from grace?
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:21:50 +0000

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