Pastor’s Corner - June 15th, 2014 Proverbs 4:1 Hear you - TopicsExpress


Pastor’s Corner - June 15th, 2014 Proverbs 4:1 Hear you children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. I want to use this time to talk about honoring Fathers on this their day. I think many times in churches Father’s Day is not to honor them but to beat up on them. What they hear is all the things they are doing wrong and to make them feel inadequate as a father. We have all kinds of descriptions for them. We call them dead beat dads or lazy and many other names that I can’t speak of here. Now I know there are those who deserve these names. The truth is there are many wonderful men who are trying to be the best Dad that they can be. There are many who take a great deal of pride in trying to raise a boy or girl up in the admonition of the Lord. Even single fathers who have taken a second or third job to keep up with their child support payments and be responsible fathers. I believe there are also Fathers whose heart breaks because they can’t be with their children like they want to and are torn every time their little boy or girl is away from them. I know many Fathers wish there was an instruction book on how to raise children. One that would tell you how to get a kid to eat, one that would tell you how to get them to sleep, or potty training, one that would tell a man how to fix a little girls hair with a hair curler without burning her. So many things when you are presented with that little face that you look into and realize for the first time you are a father, and you ask yourself what do I do now? The greatest moment in a man’s life is when that little face looks into his face and says “daddy”. The good news is there is a book and it is called the Bible, now it probably won’t tell you how to fix your little girls hair but I believe that everything else will be covered. Just pray that the Lord will help you be a godly Father. If today you have a godly father, then let him know how much you appreciate him, and if he is struggling like so many fathers in this day are, go to him and put your arms around him and tell him you love him and you appreciated him. If you are a father and you are struggling, then know you have a Heavenly Father that understands and is longing for you to come to Him and share everything on your heart. Maybe you have lost a child as a Father, may I tell you, He did to and He knows how you feel. Don’t carry that burden by yourself. Cast all your care upon Him for He cares for you. I Peter 5:7 May this be one of the best Fathers Days you have ever had. - Pastor Lee Cruse, the pastor and father whom Jesus loves.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 13:04:01 +0000

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