Pastpat Bwayo A NEW GENERATION OF BELIEVERS BORN OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM OF GOD IN THE LAST DAYS. Heb 1: 1-2...13, Deuto. 4: 1-12, 1 Peter 2. Use KJV Bible Heavenly Jerusalem Kinship is a creation of a New generation of peoples all over the world by God who are born of His knowledge and wisdom as result of God indwelling them and enabling them to read and interpret the New Covenant Bible from Genesis to Revelation. God separates them from the millions and millions of people who read, interpret and teach the Old Covenant Bible that teaches historical Jewish earthly Jerusalem visible things that are copies and shadows of the heavenly Jerusalem invisible things. If you are still teaching carnal knowledge doctrines as a result of misinterpreting the Old Covenant Bible from Genesis to Revelation using the historical Jewish earthly Jerusalem visible things of the Middle East which are copies the heavenly invisible things, it is obvious that you are not yet born AGAIN of the knowledge of God that interpret the old covenant Bible in a new way which substitutes the old covenant Bible Earthly Jerusalem Jewish visible things with the heavenly Jerusalem invisible things. Gal 4: 19-28...31, Heb 10: 1-9, ! John 2: 7-8, 1 John 5: 7-8...12, Isaiah 45: 7-8, Isaiah 29: 11-24. Use KJV Bible. By substituting the earthly Jerusalem visible things with the heavenly Jerusalem invisible things in chosen and indwelt souls God creates a chosen generation of people from among carnal knowledge interpreters of Bible. The New generation are enabled to understand the New Covenant Bible interpreted and taught by His Spirit. God abolishes the earthly Jerusalem historical Jewish visible things of the old covenant Bible read and interpreted in carnal knowledge(s) from ONLY the chosen souls and establishes the promised new Covenant Bible priesthood of Christ in the chosen souls. The Old Covenant Bible Jerusalem visible things taught even into this day of 2013 onwards and forever and ever prevent all carnal knowledge teachers and followers of the old Covenant Bible priesthood of Moses to this day from being revealed the entrance into heavenly Jerusalem kingdom that teaches ONLY the invisible heavenly Jerusalem things of the kingdom of God through the promised new Covenant Bible which is read and interpreted by the knowledge and wisdom of the Spirit of God for only chosen and indwelt souls by God. 2 Corinth 3: 13-15, Rom 2: 28-29. Use KJV Bible. The following people are not suitable to enter the kingdom of God by the New Covenant Bible: a) People who read and interpret the Bible in the human carnal knowledge(s) of FLESH. Gal 5: 16-21.Use KJV Bible. b) People who love their physically gotten children, their wives/ husbands, their churches founded organizations, their religious organizations and sects more than God. c) People who discriminate others along their colors, their ethnicity, their nations, their tribes and clans, their earthly traditional kingdoms. People who love to identify themselves along earthly things MORE than identifying themselves with the heavenly Jerusalem kingdom/city. All the carnal knowledge peoples of the whole world are not suitable to enter the Heavenly Jerusalem kingdom of God which is entered through a New Covenant Bible interpreted and taught by the Holy Spirit of God. Their souls will remain dead souls because God will not read and interpret the New Covenant Bible for them that gives eternal life souls. Rev 21: 1-8...., 2 Corinth 3: 5-6, James 1: 18-21. Use KJV Bible. d) Carnal knowledge people who love earthly pleasures more than loving INVISIBLE God whose VOICE can be heard inside chosen and indwelt souls reading and interpreting the NEW Covenant Bible from Genesis to Revelation for them. John 16: 1-18, John 6: 25-34, 1 Corinth 10, Heb 8, e) Carnal knowledge people who blaspheme the Holy Spirit interpreting and teaching of the New Covenant Bible and prefer to teach the Old Covenant Bible earthly Jerusalem copies in their carnal knowledge(s) of FLESH who rebelliously continue to serve the creature, the visible god of this world more than the creator. Rom 2, 2 Corinth 4: 1-8...18, 2 Corinth 5: 16, 1 John 5: 7-8...12. Use KJV Bible.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 00:46:35 +0000

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