Pater Larry Beane Fri · I read the Rev. Alan Kornackis - TopicsExpress


Pater Larry Beane Fri · I read the Rev. Alan Kornackis newly released book Lutheran Purgatory yesterday after downloading it from Kindle. It only took one sitting to read through it (80 pages, available as a download for $2.99 and as paperback for $4.74). I think this is an important work that lays before the public the worst ongoing scandal in The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod: the issue of ordained pastors lacking a call because they were wrongfully removed by their congregations and/or harassed by their district presidents. My only criticisms of the book are minor: I wish it were longer and was based on more interviews. There are also a few typos. Having said that, I believe the brevity of the book may also be an advantage, as it may encourage more people to purchase and read it. The quotations and background narratives in the book are similar to accounts that I have heard from dozens of men myself. There is a great consistency to their accounts, both in the way their congregations have behaved as well as the conduct of district presidents. One of the most disturbing revelations in the book is the heavy-handed use of orders for men to get mental health evaluations by district presidents - used disproportionately against pastors who are deemed conservative - usually meaning that they are faithful to the Book of Concord and the churchs liturgy. Kornacki sites rather shocking letters from his own former district president regarding this. I know of several other men who were on the receiving end of this same tactic, only to have been declared mentally healthy (after an expensive and humiliating ordeal) - only to be ruined in reputation. The way back to active ministry after being tapped as being in need of a psychological evaluation is a long trek. It is something that will follow a man his entire ministry. This is unconscionable, and reflects the tyrannical tactics of the Soviet Union, in which dissenters were silenced by being labeled insane and sent to mental health facilities to get them out of the way. Vladimir Bukovskys remarkable book To Build a Castle chronicles this dastardly tactic. How shameful that American churchmen should turn to Soviet Russia for advice in managing a church district! Also disturbing is the use of bureaucracy, paperwork, and gag orders against pastors who do not approve of their district offices or bureaucrats. Instead of operating based on the love of Christ, Purgatory paints a picture - borne of Kornackis personal experience and that of others - of a church that operates based on threats and intimidation. This should not be! The book also shares the challenges - financial, emotional, and spiritual - that the hundreds of men in this situation face - along with the damage to their families. Pastor Kornackis account is vivid, personal, and gut-wrenching. Although the synod has taken baby-steps to address this scandal, there is much to be done. I believe Pastor Kornackis book is an important step toward bringing this issue to the fore and beginning a synod-wide conversation as to what must be done. Actions must result from talk. Clearly, we lack checks and balances on political power in the LCMS. Clearly, many of our congregations believe pastors are hired and fired based on their preferences rather than called by the Holy Spirit and sent to represent Christ in their midst. Also clearly, seminarians wishing to go into the ministry must go in with eyes wide open, with a back-up plan to make a living in case their pay and benefits are slashed or in case of wrongful removal. If you are a Lutheran pastor or layman, please read this important work! A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit pastors in Purgatory. Prayerfully consider how changes can be made in our polity and walk together that will transition witness, mercy, and life together from being a slogan into being a way of life for Christians in the LCMS. Ecclesia semper reformanda est. Thank you for this eye-opening and courageous work, Pastor Kornacki!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 13:24:14 +0000

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