(Path of Righteousness) 1st Peter 1: 1-2 (1) Peter an apostle - TopicsExpress


(Path of Righteousness) 1st Peter 1: 1-2 (1) Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, (2) Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied. Peter was reaching out to the believers in that moment by the power and conviction of Gods word. Asking the his brothers and sisters in Christ to search their hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to draw them to repentance by the conviction of God’s word, that was exposing strongholds within their hearts and souls that was drawing them away from Christ. Peter said through sanctification of the Spirit, and sprinkling of blood of Jesus Christ, Grace unto, and peace, be multiplied. Sanctification: Holy, Set apart as sacred To Purify or free from sin. Peter was telling the believers that we must first choose to allow the power of God’s word to purify our hearts and souls. As the Holy Spirit convicts our hearts by the power of God’s word we must yield our will to the Holy Spirit and allow God to burn things out of our lives that are drawing us away from Christ. Through an obedient heart we allow the Holy Spirit through the power of God’s word to sanctify and purify our hearts and souls. As we yield our hearts to the Holy Spirit he will reveal strongholds within our hearts and souls, the word of God will break every yoke and set us free. The conviction of the Holy Spirit represents the knowledge of truth that will expose the works of darkness and draw us back to Christ. Peter was saying as we submit our hearts to Christ through a repentive heart the Lord sanctifies us by the washing of the blood of Christ. His mercy and grace rest upon our hearts and souls leading his people in the paths of righteousness. Brothers and sisters in Christ the apostle Paul pleaded many times crying out to the church telling them not to allow an unbelieving heart to separate them from the presence of their God. I believe in this hour that God is crying out to his people through pastors and prophets warning his people of the antichrist spirit that would desire to draw them away from the truth. The bible stated that in the last days men would not endure sound doctrine having itchy ears desiring a doctrine that would convict them of their sins. Men’s hearts will wax cold desiring a gospel that is ineffective through the spirit of compromise. In the last days they will call evil good and good evil. They will speak evil of the way of truth why? Because of the darkness of their hearts. Because they reject the conviction of the Holy Spirit and choose darkness over light. I believe that God is calling the church back to the foundation of truth. The precious blood has not lost its power to heal the sick and raise the dead. The power of the cross has not lost the power to destroy the powers of darkness and set his people free. Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus desires our hearts, will you give him your heart. The pleasures of sin last a moment but eternity is forever and ever. The wages of sin is death, but Jesus came to give us life and hope. He is waiting and desires to bring healing within your heart and soul, will you call upon him, he is merciful and faithful. 9/12/14
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 01:32:58 +0000

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