Patience it is a thing my parents have been trying to teach me for - TopicsExpress


Patience it is a thing my parents have been trying to teach me for the longest now, and I see that waiting does indeed work. Sometimes one just has to wait and life will correct itself. In this instance, I was going to tell my former landlord off because he was going to deduct things from my deposit that do not fall under his right to do so, instead, my father told me not to call him back after we talked the first time and he threatened to involve his "lawyers." My father told me not to get upset, he already expected my former landlord to be among those that do not return a penny back, but that I should wait and see what happens and no longer add fuel to the flames. I waited, and a few days later, a check in the mail, for me, arrives with the full deposit amount with a letter stating how good of a tenant I was and how he could understand that I need it more, being a student and all, and how he could relate since he was in that position ten years ago going to CAL as well. Faith in Humanity Restored and having patience, as well as listening to elders, in this case my parents, does indeed have its perks. Hence why I always turn to my elders when I am in need advice.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 11:34:53 +0000

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