Patient endurance means hanging in there with pain, rather than - TopicsExpress


Patient endurance means hanging in there with pain, rather than running from it or denying it. It’s an intentional choice to hang your ultimate hope on an ultimate thing: the goodness of God and His salvation. Its hard. There is no easy way out. But He makes us strong and gives us comfort from within and without. There will be days when your trust feels thin and the emotions feel more real than the hope. But the promise is this: no matter what you are facing, the suffering is temporary, but the reward is forever. As a Christian, you can always say (even when all earthly hope is lost) “The best is yet to come.” Which just might be the single most powerful phrase in this world. Those that live with this conviction live with joy and energy. But if you put your ultimate hope in non-ultimate things, you will live with permanent insecurity. Far better to put your hope in things that cannot fail—the promises of God. We love the words of the old saint, Theresa of Avila, “In light of heaven, the worst suffering on earth will be seen to be no more serious than one night in an inconvenient hotel.”
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 14:31:06 +0000

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