Patrick Parker about an hour ago · Okay question for all my - TopicsExpress


Patrick Parker about an hour ago · Okay question for all my friends you have two choice Choice A is that all of your life no matter how long you where meant to live would ether be extended or reduced to 1 year in exchange you would know all the secrets of the universe all the facts from fiction and so forth basically you would know everything. Choice B is you will live forever seeing things that no one you ever know will ever see but you will never know the secrets and the only way you die is when your who spices is dead. What would you chose? Like · · Unfollow Post · Share 38 of 67 View previous comments Sean Murphy Thats the problem, even if you save people from all that it would not matter, they have to want to be saved and its human nature to always want more. 41 minutes ago · Like Awexx Fluffi Budah Yes that is true and you say you been going on your own without Gods help, if it want for him from the start no one would be breathing and living 39 minutes ago via mobile · Like Patrick Parker Then so be it. i dont want that power. No being should have all power and all knowledge. And the weakness is the knowledge dude u fully missed the point THEY ARE WEAKNESSES. You are all know yes does that make you all understanding? No. Does having the...See More 39 minutes ago · Like Awexx Fluffi Budah That is why I never get involved in these kind of posts we never get anywhere with it lol 37 minutes ago via mobile · Like Sean Murphy So you would make sure they dont get greedy? You would take away free will? We missed the point? How do you know you did not miss our point? A misconception or because you lived poor? Patrick Parker why cant you understand that people merely view things differently and that one view does not have to be wrong or that both could be wrong or both could be right? 36 minutes ago · Like Sean Murphy People came about by a series of chain recation starting with the big bang? SO you claim to know how it all started? I know the theory too, and no you do not need to go on I know the theory, but can you please tell me what makes you think it is right? 35 minutes ago · Like Awexx Fluffi Budah And how do you know that, where you there to witness it that big bang, no I believe not. You can say what you like and believe what you like all is told in different conceptions and in the end its all life 33 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 1 Awexx Fluffi Budah And Patrick you being poor or whatever had nothing to do with it,I mean come on famous people have more problems then many others. So my point is put in my opinion and yours in your opinion 31 minutes ago via mobile · Like Patrick Parker Sean that is one thing i do understand the fact is u cant say human nature because you are that simple saying everyone is the same and that is not true. Its why i dont say their is no such thing as good or evil because is nature evil or good. I p...See More 29 minutes ago · Like · 1 Awexx Fluffi Budah You cant be blaming things like that to one person, he only created us as creatures who think for ourselves, he creates he doesnt decide our destiny thats for us ourselves to decide, if we screw up life then thats that... He gave us free will to live and not control us like puppets 28 minutes ago via mobile · Like Patrick Parker Awexx you apprently havent read the bible yeah it says it give you free will then says if u dont do as i say you are punished for all eternity thats not free will thats holding a gun to a persons head and saying let me rape you or die 26 minutes ago · Like · 1 Awexx Fluffi Budah Does it look like he is actually doing that?? 25 minutes ago via mobile · Like Patrick Parker thats exactly what he does if you dont worship him you go to hell if you do worship him you can do genicide ask for forgiveness then go to heavon 24 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 Sean Murphy God could have created us all and could indeed love us all, why does it really matter how we came to be? God could have scientifically put the big bang in motion. As for war, people have free will. As for watching people suffer, that is an issue I have...See More 24 minutes ago · Like · 1 Awexx Fluffi Budah At a young age I use to believe that God nor the devil where real but after going thru much in life I see that someone is out there helping many of us if we truly believe 23 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 1 Awexx Fluffi Budah Patrick do you truly know that is how it works, its funny you dont believe yet you read the Bible why is that? 22 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 1 Sean Murphy I believe it is because the bible conflicts with his life style and what his ancestors told him 22 minutes ago · Like Awexx Fluffi Budah I can truly say I sense there is a higher power out there, be it human or not... We didnt just come from mud and air, and dinosaurs didnt shit us out so how did we come to be 19 minutes ago via mobile · Like Awexx Fluffi Budah And that is? 19 minutes ago via mobile · Like Sean Murphy Oh so Raymond we are morons because we do not see it the way you do? What gives you the right to decide. 19 minutes ago · Like Awexx Fluffi Budah Right!? We know what we know, you can know what you like in the end we will see what is true and what is not 18 minutes ago via mobile · Like Patrick Parker i use to believe in god and yet know i do not. I read the bible to understand. Sean this is one time i will call you and idiot because i told you why i dont believe with it. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE STYLE OR MY ANCESTRAL BELIEF! It is because ...See More 18 minutes ago · Like · 1 Awexx Fluffi Budah I never said I had a religion, who says I cant just believe God is real in my own way... 16 minutes ago via mobile · Like Patrick Parker To blindly fallow is fullish the closest thing i have found that makes ANY logical sense is the stream witch is just mother nature. All you are came from it your good and your bad then all you are returns to bring more life into the world 14 minutes ago · Like · 1 Patrick Parker (facepalm) Raymond the god sean fallows come from jewish and muslims who both worship the same freaking god so idk why their always waring with each other. Considering the 3 groups worship the same god it idiotic they war all the time 13 minutes ago · Like Awexx Fluffi Budah Ok Im wasting my time here I got work really early... Goodnight Patrick Parker 11 minutes ago via mobile · Like Patrick Parker YOu guys are the once who blew it out of portion. im going to delate this post only cause it got blow way off what it suppose to be 10 minutes ago · Like Sean Murphy SO I am an idiot again because I do not believe your answer? From what you have told me God is unworthy because he does not fit with the way you think he should be which is shape by your life. Your ancestors were better people than Christians? I do not...See More 10 minutes ago · Like Sean Murphy Okay, tell me why humans have more DNA in common with bananas? 8 minutes ago · Like Sean Murphy Really, why do I sicken you? 7 minutes ago · Like Awexx Fluffi Budah And btw how did apes come to be? 6 minutes ago via mobile · Like Awexx Fluffi Budah And dont say fish 6 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 1 Patrick Parker Humans didnt evolve from apes. The reason why their DNA is similar is they have a common ancestors. The evadence show that humans and apes are cousin DNA wise similar ancestor BUT we didnt evolve from them. And Raymond hes right DNA wise we are commonl...See More 5 minutes ago · Like Awexx Fluffi Budah So how did fish come to be 4 minutes ago via mobile · Edited · Like Awexx Fluffi Budah No dont Patrick he seems quite into giving us info that he sends like we dont know 3 minutes ago via mobile · Like Sean Murphy The main teaching of Christianity is love, and many people forget that. I did not insult either of you, I only posed the same logic you were trying to use against me to show you what you were doing. I may disagree with Patrick Parker and you Raymond, but I still love you guys and I still care about you guys. 3 minutes ago · Like Patrick Parker That one thing my ancestors where about was love crap even in war killing was considered wrong. Their to them no reason to treat people differently for color or belief. BUT i am delating this cause it more annoying the whole everyone arguing a few seconds ago · Like Sean Murphy Killing in war is wrong but necessary sometimes, war is supposed to be about protecting those who can not protect themselves Unable to post comment. Try Again Sean Murphy
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 07:13:15 +0000

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