Patrick Smyth @surfingshreddie Medical Marijuana, Capital Markets - TopicsExpress


Patrick Smyth @surfingshreddie Medical Marijuana, Capital Markets & Finance In a jailhouse interview with Maclean’s magazine, the fearless freedom fighter vowed to wreak “political revenge” by working to elect Justin Trudeau’s Liberals and crush the repressive Conservative prohibitionists. His wife, Jodie, said she wants to run for the Liberals in B.C. “With marijuana being such a big issue, I think I could be a really good spokesperson to defend Justin Trudeau from all the attacks,” she told the magazine. God help Mr. Trudeau. With friends like these, he doesnt need enemies. Despite the public adulation, Mr. Emery is among the most obnoxious jerks in Canadian public life. (And I say this as someone who thinks it’s past time to relax the laws on weed.) He’s a relentless self-promoter who’s compared himself to Gandhi and Martin Luther King. He insists that the persecution of people who smoke pot is the moral equivalent of the persecution of the Jews. In his most despicable moment, he called Irwin Cotler, the former federal justice minister, a “Nazi-Jew” for allowing the United States to extradite him. Mr. Cotler is a Liberal who campaigns passionately against anti-Semitism. Pot still fails the sniff test theglobeandmail Marijuana crusader Marc Emery is returning to a warm welcome, but the Canadian mainstream doesn’t support...
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:45:47 +0000

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