Patriots, Our Senator, Lindsey Graham, has once again voted - TopicsExpress


Patriots, Our Senator, Lindsey Graham, has once again voted against the American People and his fellow Citizens of South Carolina by voting for the Immigration Bill. This bill is bad because: 1) The border security is left in the hands of Homeland Security to implement. Do we believe they will do anything? No, we don’t. 2) So what if the new immigrants do pay Social Security and Medicare taxes. They will get twice as much back from the Earned Income Tax Credit, Welfare, SNAP,etc. They will be mostly low income wage earners. 3) Middle class salaries will get squeezed again because most of them will work for minimum wage and further reduce our Middle class wages. Corporations will love this. 4) They are exempt from Obamacare coverage which is more incentive for Companies to hire them as companies can avoid paying the $3000 penalty per employee if they don’t provide insurance. 5) 11 million more votes for the Democrats. What are the Republicans thinking? 6) A 1000 page bill (full of pork) that none of the Senators would have had time to read. Based on this vote and Graham’s approval of the NSA snooping initiatives, we plan to picket his office on July 1 from 11:00 to 1:00 P.M. on 235 E Main Street in Downtown Rock Hill. Please prepare and bring signs if possible and invite friends,family, and like minded individuals that you know. Lets send him a LOUD MESSAGE that we are upset with what he has done. Thanks! GPS Conservatives for Action Paul Anderko-President
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 01:43:01 +0000

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