Patriots....We CAN SAVE AMERICA, and Our Freedoms ! There is a - TopicsExpress


Patriots....We CAN SAVE AMERICA, and Our Freedoms ! There is a SLEEPING GIANT, within the SILENT MAJORITY... be we of any color, ethnicity, or belief,(to include of SOME of the Muslim faith). However,...the end result of the present calm or unrest MAY logically result in a CIVIL WAR....OR....the Diligence of KNOWLEDGEABLE and ACCOUNTABLE VOTERS to Make SIGNIFICANT Electoral Changes in the 2014 Ballot Box ...Will reduce, restrain, AND IN SOME INCIDENTS ERASE, the Disastrous Socialist/Marxist, DEMOCRATIC STRANGLEHOLD, on Fair and Balanced Legislation being Highjacked by Obama....and MUTE HIS EFFECT of the MONARCHY he is forcing upon Americas Freedoms and Halt Obamas Corruption, of the Morals, Values, and Ethics, woven in to the Fabric of the Foundation and Cornerstone of Our CONSTITUTION, and YES, BARRY, ... Built,... By the Founders of This Great Nation. Obama...(aka... LIAR and FAILURE in CHIEF), .....Sarcasm falls out of my mouth like........Disrespect to Our Creator falls from yours, PERIOD. Some people just need a High Five in, In the Face...With a Chair, PERIOD. Lord, Give Me Patience, Because if you give me STRENGTH, Im Gonna Need BAIL MONEY to go with it, PERIOD. Im NOT as INTELLIGENT as a DEMOCRAT, Im MORE INTELLIGENT, ...Because Im NOT AFRAID TO TELL THE TRUTH of Whats Happening NOW. Our LYING, and Failed Leadership of OUR Commander in Chief, aka: B. Hussein Obama, IS, also a Muslim Brotherhood Commander, DISGUISED as the POTUS....PERIOD. *** PLEASE COPY AND SHARE***....Thank You Patriots.***
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 05:28:35 +0000

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