Paul Andrew Mitchell (political prisoner in the USA) letter - TopicsExpress


Paul Andrew Mitchell (political prisoner in the USA) letter writing campaign __ From: MITCHELL PAUL MODELESKI (44202086) Date: 10/26/2014 8:05:50 AM Subject: GOAL: 1,000 letters (Paul Andrew Mitchell letter writing campaign) Message: Lets see if we can generate one thousand letters for Paul (see TEMPLATE letter Paul has drafted for action by Judge Douglas M. Harpool in Springfield, Missouri). Ask 10 of your contacts to sign and mail that letter, and ask each contact to ask another 10, and so on: 10 x 10 x 10 His challenge to the not self-executing Declaration in the Senates ICCPR ratification does have enormous potential. Be sure to include overseas contacts as well e.g. in other English-speaking countries that also ratified the ICCPR. p.s. Larry Saccato is acting as Pauls Legal Assistant, Next Friend, and Interim Trustee of Pauls private Estate: Larrys email address: MANY THANKS, everyone! From: MITCHELL PAUL MODELESKI (44202086) Date: 10/26/2014 8:06:18 AM Subject: PAM letter writing campaign (pls forward widely) Message: Hon. Douglas M. Harpool United States District Judge c/o Clerk of Court, USDC/WDMO/Southern Division 222 N. John Q. Hammons Parkway, Room 1400 Springfield 65806-2515 Missouri, USA Dear Judge Harpool, I am writing with sincere concern for the plight of political prisoner Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S., now detained at USMCFP in Springfield, Missouri, under highly suspicious circumstances. On good authority we are now told that the Federal District Court in Cheyenne, Wyoming, never perfected jurisdiction in personam, chiefly because of missing -and- defective credentials e.g. Oaths of Office for Nancy D. Freudenthal and Stephan Harris, among several others. Consequently, it appears your Court now has jurisdiction in personam, by virtue of U.S. ex rel. Mitchell v. Freudenthal et al., as mailed to your Clerk of Court on October 9, 2014, from the USMCFP Mail Room. See, for example, 31 U.S.C. 3730(h) (relief from retaliatory actions). We are also extremely interested to learn recently that Paul now intends to challenge the not self-executing Declaration in the U.S. Senates ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) for violating the Petition Clause in the First Amendment (read the Right conservative of all other rights). On the Internet, please see: A favorable ruling by your Court on that challenge has the real potential to open flood gates of valuable and beneficial human rights litigation -- not only in America, but in other States Party to that important Treaty. America needs and deserves a private right of action to enforce the ICCPR i.e. effective judicial remedies for violations of our Fundamental Rights notwithstanding that the violations were committed by persons acting in some official capacity. Such a wise precedent may also begin to reverse the steady decline we observe in the reputation of the Federal Judiciary across the board. Please reply with the correct Docket number, so that we may file correspondence in support of the REMEDIES REQUESTED by Pauls INITIAL APPLICATION FOR WRITS e.g. Amicus Curiae Briefs, Qui Tam Joinders, etc. Thank you for your time and attention, Judge Harpool. p.s. We do not need any repeats of Dr. Sells ordeal! See Washington v. Harper, 494 U.S. 210 (1990). Sincerely yours, __ Ref: tekgnosis.typepad/tekgnosis/2014/10/paul-andrew-mitchell-political-prisoner-in-the-usa-letter-writing-campaign.html Also related: APPLICATION FOR DISQUALIFICATIONS: 28 USC 144 (containing AFFIDAVIT OF BIAS AND PREJUDICE & DEMAND FOR RECUSAL as well as NOTICE TO COUNSELS: USA v. Hill et al. & NOTICE OF ERRORS re: Harris & Harris, P.C.) - from Paul Andrew Mitchell USMCFP/Springfield tekgnosis.typepad/tekgnosis/2014/10/application-for-disqualifications-28-usc-144-containing-affidavit-of-bias-and-prejudice-demand-for-r.html
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:42:38 +0000

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