Paul Craig Roberts lays the smack down on Sham-bama and his Berlin - TopicsExpress


Paul Craig Roberts lays the smack down on Sham-bama and his Berlin speech: "This is the same Obama who promised to close the Guantanamo Torture Prison, but did not; the same Obama who promised to tell us the purpose for Washington’s decade-long war in Afghanistan, but did not; the same Obama who promised to end the wars, but started new ones; the same Obama who said he stood for the US Constitution, but shredded it; the same Obama who refused to hold the Bush regime accountable for its crimes against law and humanity; the same Obama who unleashed drones against civilian populations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen; the same Obama who claimed and exercised power to murder US citizens without due process and who continues the Bush regime’s unconstitutional practice of violating habeas corpus and detaining US citizens indefinitely; the same Obama who promised transparency but runs the most secretive government in US history... Here was Obama, who consistently lies, speaking of “eternal truth.” Here was Obama, who enabled Wall Street to rob the American and European peoples and who destroyed Americans’ civil liberties and the lives of vast numbers of Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, Libyans, Pakistanis, Syrians, and others, speaking of “the yearnings of justice.” Obama equates demands for justice with “terrorism.” Here was Obama, who has constructed an international spy network and a domestic police state, speaking of “the yearnings for freedom.” Here was Obama, president of a country that has initiated wars or military action against six countries since 2001 and has three more Muslim countries--Syria, Lebanon, and Iran--in its crosshairs and perhaps several more in Africa, speaking of “the yearnings of peace that burns in the human heart,” but clearly not in Obama’s heart. Obama has turned America into a surveillance state that has far more in common with Stasi East Germany than with the America of the Kennedy and Reagan eras. Strange, isn’t it, that freedom was gained in East Germany and lost in America."
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 04:22:03 +0000

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