Paul Harvey was/is one of my early heroes. His keen insight and - TopicsExpress


Paul Harvey was/is one of my early heroes. His keen insight and delivery was unique and masterful. Every Saturday he had a special program theme called “The Rest of the Story.” More often than not his presentation would be an exposé of a well known figure allowing us a peek at a less known aspect of this prominent individual’s life. They were normally uplifting and inspiring. Sometimes the impact would stop you in your tracks and prompt some serious reflection. The later is my prayerful intent for this post. I ask one favor of those who choose to read, please do not morph this into a shallow political post, because the behind the scene of everything happening on the world stage is primarily spiritual warfare. Besides a philosophy of governance what to the following have in common? (Socialism/Communism, Democracy, Constitutional Republic, Monarchy or any other you want to add to the list) Every system and its subsequent effect on the citizenry are driven by the world view of those in power. Each philosophy of government has an inherent weakness that is common among them. They are led by man. (That is a gender neutral statement.) Every man is governed by their personal world view. Hitler, Stalin and Mao shared a common world view, they were Darwinist. Before anyone misunderstands I am not laying the blame at Charles Darwin’s feet because atheism/agnosticism (God is not relevant) has existed throughout man’s history. Because of their value system countless millions of human lives were snuffed out because they held no value in their eyes. Another example can be drawn from the monarchy system when we read through I and II Samuel, I and II Kings and I and II Chronicles it is clearly evident some were good kings and some bad kings. The good ones feared/honored God and the others disregarded Him. In the case of the Kingdoms of Israel it wasn’t just that the king’s world views were skewed so were the subjects of the realm. Why is this spiritual and not political? This loose paraphrase of and Old Testament Proverb I believe will answer the question. “The way a man thinks in his heart becomes the definitions of his identity.” “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” It matters not if one is powerful or a peon we are what we believe. (In most cases delusional people are the exception to this rule. You could be a king and still be delusional, King Saul being the example.) A Christian theist believes we are created in the image of God and therefore holds a sacred value. An evolutionist (disregarding intentionally theistic evolutionists) believes that we are the random product of chance and ultimately the product of pond scum and therefore has no standard of measurement to ascribe value. The rest of the story, and it is a dirty little secret, is that evolution is metaphysical/philosophy in nature and not scientific in that it is a theory yet to be proven regardless of the claims to the contrary. That makes it a faith system just as much as my Christian faith. Because my world view is shaped by my beliefs it demands that I view, respond and treat others, even those who violently oppose my world view, with dignity and respect by always returning good for evil trusting that God will handle the rest. It is a war between good and evil. Lord, help me because it ain’t easy and I have already proven that I can not do it alone. Lord, please make this world a better place and let it start with me/us. Amen
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:00:10 +0000

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