Paul Krugman has an interesting column today on the rights - TopicsExpress


Paul Krugman has an interesting column today on the rights obsession with inflation, despite the fact that it hasnt happened. Catches something of the spirit of that world in which facts are often in scarce supply and not much of an issue. Tom The first step toward recovery is admitting that you have a problem. That goes for political movements as well as individuals. So I have some advice for so-called reform conservatives trying to rebuild the intellectual vitality of the right: You need to start by facing up to the fact that your movement is in the grip of some uncontrollable urges. In particular, it’s addicted to inflation — not the thing itself, but the claim that runaway inflation is either happening or about to happen. To see what I’m talking about, consider a scene that played out the other day on CNBC. Rick Santelli, one of the network’s stars, is best known for a rant against debt relief that arguably gave birth to the Tea Party. On this occasion, however, he was ranting about another of his favorite subjects, the allegedly inflationary policies of the Federal Reserve. And his colleague Steve Liesman had had enough. It’s impossible for you to have been more wrong, Mr. Liesman declared, and he went on to detail the wrong predictions: The higher interest rates never came, the inability of the U.S. to sell bonds never happened, the dollar never crashed, Rick. There isn’t a single one that’s worked for you.... The point, then, is that inflation addiction is telling us something about the intellectual state of one side of our great national divide. The right’s obsessive focus on a problem we don’t have, its refusal to reconsider its premises despite overwhelming practical failure, tells you that we aren’t actually having any kind of rational debate. And that, in turn, bodes ill not just for would-be reformers, but for the nation. nytimes/2014/07/18/opinion/paul-krugman-addicted-to-inflation.html
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 14:00:03 +0000

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