Paul Lesson 8 FEELING SAFE IN A STORM Paul’s last journey to - TopicsExpress


Paul Lesson 8 FEELING SAFE IN A STORM Paul’s last journey to Rome Acts 27:1-44 PAUL SAILS TO ROME CALM BEFORE THE STORM Read 27:1-13 In Lesson 6 Paul was arrested by the Jews on some ‘trumped-up-charges’ and turned him over to governor Felix demanding his death (Acts 21-22). Felix was replaced by Festus who also found Paul not-guilty but because Paul appealed to Rome, there he must go (Acts 23-24). In this lesson, Paul was handed over to a centurion named Julius and thus begins the 2,000 miles journey from Caesarea to Rome. “They boarded a ship; sailed along Asia (Turkey) to avoid rough-seas. Reaching Sidon and through Cyprus, landed at Myra in Lycia where they boarded a ship sailing for Italy.” The preferred route was through the Ionian Sea, to Macedonia (Greece) but “the wind was fierce so we changed course and sailed to Crete, Fair Havens” (27:1-8). Because of time lost rerouting sailing had become dangerous so Paul warned them: “Men, this voyage is going to be disastrous to the ship, cargo, and to our own lives”—let’s stay put. The overcast weather made sailing impossible; sailing is-at-own-risk in September and avoided in November—this journey was in October. The centurion and ship’s owner disregarded Paul’s advice and sailed on, hoping to reach Phoenix, a harbor in Crete thinking they have the gentle southwest and northwest winds” (27:9-13). 1. a) Going on a luxurious trip or a honeymoon cruise anywhere, where would you go? Why? _________________________________________________ b) What was obvious about the centurion and the owner? (27:1 & 11) _________________________________________________ THE STORM IS PASSING OVER Acts 27:14-26 As they sailed on, the gentle winds became fierce hurricane winds. First they tried to head back to shore but impossible, so they let the ship drift before the gale; hoisted the lifeboat, and banded the ship to strengthen the hull; lowered the topsails and drifted before the wind from the quick stands. Next day the seas grew higher; to avoid sinking, threw the cargo and anything else overboard; the terrible storm raged unabated many days, until all hope was gone. No one had eaten many days. Finally Paul called the crew together and said, “Men, if you have listened to me at first and stay in Fair Havens—you would have avoided all these injury and loss! But cheer up! Not one of us will lose our lives, but the ship will go down. God’s angel said to me, ‘don’t be afraid, Paul—for you will surely stand trial before Caesar! (27:24). God has granted your request and will save the lives of all those sailing with you’ so take courage! 2. a) How would you describe the storm mentioned in 27:13-20? Could it have been prevented (27:21)? _________________________________________________ b) What were the consequences of their stubborn heart (27:18, 20)? What about you? _________________________________________________ FEELING SAFE IN A STORM THE SHIPWRECK Acts 27:27-37 On the fourteenth night of the storm, being driven to and fro on the Adriatic Sea, the sailors suspected land was near. First was 120 feet of water; then 90 feet getting close to the shore; anchors were thrown; prayed for daylight. Some of the sailors planned to abscond but Paul warned: “You will all die unless everyone stays aboard” (v.31). Paul begged everyone: “Please eat something now, for not a hair of your heads shall perish! (27:34) 3. Some Christian traditions emphasize God’s sovereignty (Deut. 6:4), while others stress human responsibility (Deut. 6:5; Luke 10:27). Why is it important to keep both in balance? __________________________________________________ SAFE LANDING Acts 27:38-44 All the 276 board survived but the boat ran aground and got-stuck. The soldiers thinking the prisoners will escape asked for permission to kill the prisoners; Julius wanted to spare Paul, said “No.” Some swam to the land while others used planks and debris from the broken ship, so everyone escaped safely ashore! 4. During Paul’s crisis, he reacted with fore warnings, maintaining hope, counselling, giving thanks, remaining calm and persevering to the end. How would you react in crisis? ___________________________________________________ PRAYER Our Lord Almighty, please strengthen us to trust you not only during ‘good’ times but also during ‘hardship’ and at ‘all’ times. Like Paul, encourage us to stand firm on your promises to us so we become your apostles worth our callings; forever yours we pray, Amen!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 01:54:08 +0000

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