Paul Rees here are the blogs from the Irish daily mail Gerry’s - TopicsExpress


Paul Rees here are the blogs from the Irish daily mail Gerry’s Blogs (Days 182-242) Nov/Dec 2007 The McCann’s announce that they have hired their own private investigators (actually hired in September and kept secret) and mark 6 months since Madeleine’s disappearance. Gerry’s complete blogs for November/December 2007 May/June 2007 (Days 1-58) July/August 2007 (Days 59-120) September/October 2007 (Days 121-181) November/December 2007 (Days 182-242) January – November 2008 (Days 243-Date) November 2007 Date Day Blog 01 Nov 2007 182 No entry 02 Nov 07 183 No entry 03 Nov 07 184 Today marks six months since Madeleine was taken from us. It is an incredibly long time for us but must be even longer for Madeleine. It is so painful for us simply being separated, but all the more distressing when we have to speculate about the situation Madeleine finds herself. We have no idea whether she is suffering but we have to hope and pray that she is being treated like a princess, as she deserves. This afternoon there will be prayer vigils in Liverpool, Praia da Luz and many friends will be praying in Glasgow. Tonight we will be attending an ecumenical service to pray for Madeleine and other children who are suffering. There is again a lot of media presence in Rothley and the upshot is that millions of people know Madeleine is still missing and that we will not give up looking for her. We urge anyone who may have information that might help us find Madeleine to call us on the confidential number +34 902 300 213, which is manned by private detectives in Spain or e-mail investigation@findmadeleine, or contact the police. 04 Nov 07 185 No entry 05 Nov 07 186 No entry 06 Nov 07 187 No entry 07 Nov 07 188 No entry 08 Nov 07 189 No entry 09 Nov 07 190 The media attention in Rothley has died down considerably with the passing of the six-month marker last weekend. The prayer service for Madeleine and other missing children was very well attended and we found it calming, comforting and very positive. The four churches in Rothley contributed to the service as they will be doing so again for remembrance Sunday and these events strengthen our sense of community. No major developments to report in the last week in the search for Madeleine. There has been a good response to the launch of the helpline to find Madeleine and all the leads are being checked out and followed up where appropriate. Kate and I continue to encourage anyone who has information to phone or e-mail. It has been a busier week for me as I have returned to work, initially on a part-time basis. The Trust have been very supportive throughout and it has been good, although difficult, to see so many friends and colleagues again. I was certainly ready to get back although we have agreed to gradually phase my return to full-time commitments. It is also been the first week since we returned from Portugal when we have not had friends or family staying with us. Kate and I have therefore been opening all the mail ourselves and we would like to thank everyone who has offered their support and encouragement. 10 Nov 07 191 No entry 11 Nov 07 192 No entry 12 Nov 07 193 No entry 13 Nov 07 194 No entry 14 Nov 07 195 No entry 15 Nov 07 196 No entry 16 Nov 07 197 No entry 17 Nov 07 198 No entry 18 Nov 07 199 No entry 19 Nov 07 200 No entry 20 Nov 07 201 Yesterday marked 200 days that Madeleine has been missing. Last night saw the screening on the BBC of one of three documentaries about what happened to Madeleine, the others having already been shown in North America and Portugal over the weekend. These programmes have been useful in going over many of the facts and, I believe, emphasising that Madeleine was abducted and is still out there somewhere. Whilst the police and private investigators are following a number of leads, we would like appeal to anyone who was in and around Praia da Luz to come forward with any information that might be relevant on +34 902 300 213 or investigation@findmadeleine We have had a busy ten days with visitors from both Canada and the USA. Whilst it has been really good to see them, it has also been emotionally very difficult for all of us without Madeleine. They are leaving tomorrow and we hope and pray that the next time we get together we will finally be reunited with our lovely Madeleine. 21 Nov 07 202 No entry 22 Nov 07 203 No entry 23 Nov 07 204 No entry 24 Nov 07 205 No entry 25 Nov 07 206 No entry 26 Nov 07 207 No entry 27 Nov 07 208 No entry 28 Nov 07 209 No entry 29 Nov 07 210 Today there was a meeting between the UK and Portuguese police and forensic specialists from both countries. We have been told that all the forensic test results are now available. Kate and I are very hopeful now that any doubt what these important tests show will be removed. As we have stated all along, we are confident that the results will no way incriminate us and hopefully everyone can concentrate on finding Madeleine and her abductor. Given some of the unhelpful comments recently about the media’s role in helping find missing children I would like to quote Ernie Allen. Ernie has been president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for the last 25 years. ‘We just have to continue to do everything possible to find that one, key piece of evidence, and then follow it to Madeleine. There is no more likely source of that information than some average, caring, alert citizen, somewhere in the world, informed and motivated by a photo or intense media coverage of a missing child.’ With this in mind, Madeleine’s fund has started the £80,000 advertising campaign in Southern Spain which will also target North Africa and Portugal. The fund is also contributing £50,000 per month to support the private investigation. We appeal to anyone who may have information to call confidentially our hotline number +34.902.300.213, e-mail investigation@findmadeleine or contact the police. 30 Nov 07 211 No entry December 2007 Date Day Blog 01 Dec 2007 212 No entry 02 Dec 07 213 No entry 03 Dec 07 214 No entry 04 Dec 07 215 No entry 05 Dec 07 216 Yesterday evening Kate, Sean, Amelie and myself attended a mass for Madeleine. It was organised by ex-colleagues of Kate’s aunt who work in the East Midlands and took place in a small intimate chapel and was attended by 20 people including two local priests. Sean and Amelie were very vocal, demonstrating how much they know about Christmas and ‘baby Jesus’ which brought a smile to everyone’s face! The little presents and chocolates they were given certainly made them very happy! Tomorrow my mum and aunt are coming to visit for a few days. Sean and Amelie are very excited, as they have not seen their ‘granny’ for over a month. They do of course miss Madeleine very much and all of our family are still praying and hoping for her safe return. 06 Dec 07 217 In the summer it was agreed that the UK police would interview all British residents who were staying at the Ocean Club on May 3rd. There are a number of guests who have still not been interviewed. We would ask any British residents who were in or around Praia da Luz (not just at the Ocean Club) when Madeleine was abducted, and have not been interviewed, to contact their local police. We would like to thank everyone who has come forward with information. The smallest detail may provide a clue that leads us to find Madeleine. We would like to appeal again for anyone with information to contact our private investigators on +34. 902.300.213, investigation@findmadeleine or their local police. Someone, somewhere knows something and Madeleine needs his or her help. 07 Dec 07 218 No entry 08 Dec 07 219 No entry 09 Dec 07 220 No entry 10 Dec 07 221 No entry 11 Dec 07 222 No entry 12 Dec 07 223 No entry 13 Dec 07 224 No entry 14 Dec 07 225 No entry 15 Dec 07 226 No entry 16 Dec 07 227 Note: This blog appeared today but was dated Day 218 – 07/12/07 We have had many enquiries as to our plans for the festive period. Christmas 2007 will be an incredibly difficult time for us if Madeleine is not found before then. We plan to have a very quiet, private Christmas with family in the UK. Celebrating is the last thing we feel like doing; however we want Christmas to be as normal for Sean and Amelie as possible. They have already enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree with their ‘granny’ and great aunt. Despite not yet being 3, they both seem to understand they will be getting presents from Santa. They have also asked if Santa will be bringing Madeleine home, which just about broke our hearts. Madeleine’s return would obviously be the ultimate present for all of us and would bring tremendous joy to people all over the world. As the end of the year approaches we would like to thank everyone who has offered support over the last seven months and we ask you to stay with us as the search for our daughter continues. The police and private investigations continue and we have not given up hope of a breakthrough. We again appeal to anyone who may have any information that might be relevant to contact your local police or our private investigators on +34. 902. 300 213 if they have any information which might be relevant. 17 Dec 07 228 No entry 18 Dec 07 229 No entry 19 Dec 07 230 No entry 20 Dec 07 231 No entry 21 Dec 07 232 No entry 22 Dec 07 233 No entry 23 Dec 07 234 As most of you will know by now Kate and I did an appeal for broadcast on TV yesterday. This was a desperate attempt to get someone who knows what happened to Madeleine to come forward and end our misery and the dreadful situation for everyone. Madeleine should not be spending Christmas away from her loving family. The person who took Madeleine has it in their power to end our suffering and will be able to appease their conscience that they have done the right thing- especially at this time of year As I have stated Christmas will be a very quiet affair for our family without Madeleine present. Kate and I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time at this busy time of year to write to us and let us know Madeleine and our family are still in their thoughts and prayers. We still have at least one hundred cards to open! As always, every single one will be opened and read and the support expressed helps renew our determination to find Madeleine. 24 Dec 07 235 No entry 25 Dec 07 236 No entry 26 Dec 07 237 No entry 27 Dec 07 238 No entry 28 Dec 07 239 No entry 29 Dec 07 240 No entry 30 Dec 07 241 No entry 31 Dec 07 242 No entry - See more at: I will post the other one too
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 08:08:24 +0000

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