Paul Ryan is one of the most dangerous politicians around today. - TopicsExpress


Paul Ryan is one of the most dangerous politicians around today. He is callous to the suffering of others. He is either completely dim witted or has been purchased lock stock and barrel by the very very wealthy or both. And he would willfully work to dismantle safety nets in society causing starvation and real suffering in order to enrich his already extraordinarily rich benefactors just a minute bit more. But he has fooled a lot of people into thinking that he is intelligent and moral. And he has a face that looks sweet and innocent. He could become president one day because perceived personality and friendliness are the most important deciding factors that most voters use. Would he be worse than GWB? Who knows. But he would probably not be much different because he would have a similar set of advisors and cabinet members. But he could in the end be much, much worse because if anything the idiological purity of his party has gotten even stronger since the Bush II years. God help us if Paul Ryan gets the GOP nomination and something terrible befalls the democratic candidate.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:52:01 +0000

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