Paul Ryan wants to address welfare entitlement spending….but - TopicsExpress


Paul Ryan wants to address welfare entitlement spending….but isn’t it funny that spending on those illegally in the Country = illegal aliens ………..never seems to be a part of the conversation. Mr. Economic does not want to seem to address …………….. - Spending for military pensions gets the ax but ACTC (tax refunds) continue to flow to illegal aliens at the tune of $4.2 billion in 2012 - Food Stamps has risen dramatically but Ryan does not go anywhere near the fact that illegal aliens are a big part of the increase and that the USDA is still advertising SNAP in Mexico - come on in-free food!!!! - Ryan refuses to address unnecessary expenditures for ‘Club Meds’ complete with carrot sticks, art class and hormone replacement therapy in facilities known as detention centers - all because we refuse to enforce our laws and instead house illegal alien indefinitely while some Vets and Americans go homeless. - Nothing is said about the continuous ‘paycheck to paycheck struggle’ many Americans find themselves in while wages stay stagnant due to the availability of cheap labor… adding to the entitlement drain. - No one - not even Mr. Economics wants to address the overcrowded penal system housing illegal aliens, many who not only spit on our immigration laws but our laws in general - receiving three meals a day, a warm bed, healthcare and possibility an education on the American Taxpayer dime do to lack of enforcement and once released are seldom deported, and if deported - they simply return over that unsecured border/ports -that politicians like Ryan want us to believe are secure!!!!! - No conversation on the costs to our education system, healthcare system, the bi-lingual costs, the never ending legal, court and lawsuit costs and more - while the American taxpayer gets to continue to flip the bill - while the men and women in suits in Washington - void of our reality - remain silent. Just a few examples……… And of course, there is no way to put a price on the human collateral cost - Americans who have been victims of crime - many permanently - because ... Like I said, Washington just does not want to have that conversation. We need to ask Ryan…why is that? Ruthie online.wsj/news/articles/SB10001424052702304585004579417592437354318
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 04:16:35 +0000

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