Paul Washer Another persons view of Paul Washer........and i am - TopicsExpress


Paul Washer Another persons view of Paul Washer........and i am in full agreement! In my estimation, Paul Washer has led more people to the false teachings of Calvinism in the last 5-10 years than John MacArthur, John Piper, R.C. Sproule and James White combined. And Calvinism will lead many people to the very destruction of their souls, that many Calvinists think they are saved from. Remember, doctrine DOES effect the way you live...and the way you live will effect your eternity (1 Timothy 4:16)! Paul Washer preaches hard and then speaks out the other side of his mouth. This is VERY DANGEROUS. It allows people to think that they can hate sin (have bad feelings about it), while continuing to sin every day in thought, word and deed. I believe that this is the testimony of most christians and that this is precisely WHY Paul Washer is so appealing to most christians. He is simply tickling their ears...maybe not in the same sense that a Rob Bell, Benny Hinn or some other False Teacher would, but that is what he is doing. Once again, he makes christians think (by his preaching) that they can hate sin and still engage in it EVERY DAY! THIS IS NOT TRUE! Stay away from him Saints and definitely dont promote him to others. You may be discerning enough to avoid Calvinism, but there are thousands out there that arent. What about them? What about new converts, who dont have a good foundation in sound doctrine yet? What about those who dont know their Bibles that well yet and can be easily deceived? Shouldnt we love them as we want to be loved? The end of some of Washers sermons (people possibly being saved and edified) does NOT justify the means of posting his sermons. In other words, just because some good might be done through Washers sermons, doesnt mean that we should post them. Id rather never post a sermon at all than post one of his sermons and lead someone into False Teaching. I also come against false teachers like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, etc. When I come against those people, many professing to be Christians, will use a certain kind of objection to it. Theyll say something like, God really used him/her in my life or My friend got saved at a Benny Hinn crusade. While those things MAY be true, Ill NEVER post a video/audio/article from any of those people either. It doesnt matter how sound or good it is either! They are False Teachers! Paul Washer MAY NOT be as bad as the ones I just mentioned, but the same principle applies...
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 20:22:58 +0000

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