Paul Watson 2 mins · Greenpeace - Cultural Hypocrites I do - TopicsExpress


Paul Watson 2 mins · Greenpeace - Cultural Hypocrites I do grow weary of Greenpeace attacks on Sea Shepherd and even more so when I see them doing stunts like this: Greenpeace constantly accuses Sea Shepherd of acting inappropriately and implies it is racist of Sea Shepherd to not respect the whale and dolphin eating cultures of Japan, Denmark, Iceland and Norway yet they have no problem desecrating a sacred indigenous heritage site in Peru. One thing for sure is that these Inca sites are not renewable and Greenpeace has shamed the entire environmental movement with this blatant display of cultural insensitivity. As a co-founder of Greenpeace I am embarrassed that the organization has lost touch with its roots and has elevated banner hanging and graffiti displays to new heights of expensive absurdity. This is an insult to indigenous people, an insult to Peru and a blemish on the organization. They should publicly apologize But they will not. They will boast that this action has focused world attention on a climate change conference that accomplishes nothing and instead of the media focus being on the incompetence of the politicians attending it will now be focused on the irresponsibility and cultural insensitivity of Greenpeace. No one, even the President of Peru is allowed by law to walk upon these sacred grounds. These are fragile archaeological sites under lawful protection. Whoever thought up this particular stupid stunt should be fired. theguardian/…/peru-press-charges-greenpeace-…
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 00:35:37 +0000

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