Paul in his letter to the Colossians tells us about invisible - TopicsExpress


Paul in his letter to the Colossians tells us about invisible events taking place, beyond the physical realm and outside of our ordinary space-time continuum, during the dying of Jesus on the cross: Christ all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of His cross. And you, who once were estranged and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, He has now reconciled in His body of flesh by His death, in order to present you holy and blameless and irreproachable before Him. (Col 1:19-22) When He died for us on the cross, Jesus met fully the onslaught of demons, (fallen angels), and all the power of evil forces in the heavens, disarming all of them completely — because in Christ God was reconciling all things to Himself. Jesus victory over mans greatest enemy — death — is boldly announced in the letter to the Hebrews: Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise partook of the same nature, that through death He might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage. (Heb 2:14,15) It is for the final outworking in history of Satans defeat at the cross that we now eagerly await. What is the completed work of Christ on the cross in the eternal time frame will come to pass in human history at Gods appointed time on our earthly calendars. Time, you see, neither flows at the same rate nor has the same content in heaven as it does on earth.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 17:53:07 +0000

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