Paul is going to be moved out of the ICU. There was talk of moving - TopicsExpress


Paul is going to be moved out of the ICU. There was talk of moving him tonight after shift change, but he asked Erica and I to leave just after 7:00, so I dont know if they moved him or not. He had lots of company today and I think he reaches a point where he just wants to lay back and watch TV and not have to visit anymore. Hes doing much better with his talking and even asked me to call a couple of his friends and had short conversations with them. At one point he asked me for his board and wrote that he wondered why he was spared but the 4 boys who lost their lives last weekend were not. I didnt know how to respond to that and told him so. It seemed to be weighing on him pretty heavily. Hes starting to ask more questions about the accident and its evident how frustrating it is that he doesnt remember anything about it. Other than that, he continues to make improvements every day. It will be great when he can get rid of all the tubes and wires, but we are so thankful that hes doing as well as he is, especially after the bleeding scare earlier this week. We had more laughs and smiles today, and the bright spot was when Jared and his family stopped by and he got to hear Grady call him Papa again. He even sang one verse of Happy Birthday To You for Jared as an early treat for his birthday tomorrow. Its such a relief to leave him every night and not feel so guilty about it. Hopefully he continues to move forward with no more setbacks. Thanks again for all your prayers. I really dont know where wed be without them.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 03:56:06 +0000

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