Paul, my husband John, Matthews brothers and sisters and I - TopicsExpress


Paul, my husband John, Matthews brothers and sisters and I thank you all for your prayers and love for our family. Your support and comfort are felt and appreciated. I want to tell you about my youngest child Matthew, my life, my baby. Matthew was a gentle young man. He loved his family so much. His sisters, Sarah, Rachel and Naomi could always make him smile when he was going through painful times. He especially loved his nieces and nephews. And they loved Uncle Matt. Matthew was compassionate to animals, the very young and the elderly. Only one week ago he watched an older woman struggle up the curb at a convenience store. He got back out of the car and opened the door for her. Everyone always mentions how funny Matt was. He dreamed of being a stand up comic in Hollywood. He loved sports and followed the Eagles and 76ers. Matthew was a handsome young man. 63, lean, and such a beautiful smile. But we saw that smile so rarely. Five years ago Matthew was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Whether on or off medications he was never very stable. He suffered from voices in his head, delusions and depression. He was lonely and sad as he realized he was not living the life he had planned. But I and his family hadnt given up. We prayed, sought therapies and loved Matthew. I was with my beautiful son nearly every day. Living with a mental illness is the loneliest life. People move away from you and personal contact of any kind ceases. Matthew had many, many emergencies. I was overwhelmed with his care and making crucial decisions. But Matthew had a second mother. My daughter Sarah cried with me, researched hospitals, researched doctors, researched medications. She always reached out to Matthew. She and I spoke five, six times a day. Our plan was for Sarah to assume his care one day and her husband Frank knew this and supported her. No one believes they will bury their young child. Today our hearts are destroyed. But Matthew is not sad today. Matthew is not lonely or confused today. Matthew doesnt have schizophrenia today. Please open your hearts and minds and lives to all people who suffer. Thank you.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 19:10:38 +0000

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