Paul says: Once again, we see that ‘sovereigns’ are good at - TopicsExpress


Paul says: Once again, we see that ‘sovereigns’ are good at understanding the ‘law’ and its processes, but as usual; their remedy is not the answer that The LORD requires. See how they understand that the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) is the law of the whole world in commerce, and then they think that they have to satisfy the requirements of that ridiculous system of ‘law’ and playing the game as ‘banker’ rather than the ‘liable party.’ This is ERROR. If what they teach were true, then for anyone to walk in the freedom that Jesus Christ has given us means becoming something of a law expert and a paperwork pusher, all the while, interacting with a dead legal fiction (Your all capital letter name on the birth cert.). This is still playing the ‘surety game’ & it is unrighteous and forbidden in the bible. The Lord requires us to ‘not touch the unclean thing,’ to ‘come out from amongst them’ ‘to be in the world & NOT OF IT’ and to have nothing to do with this secular system at all. We are a peculiar people, a holy priesthood and a royal nation; and we need to begin to act that way. Otherwise we remain slaves and subject to sin, Satan and his unrighteous rulers. They can only rule people with surnames as they rule all corporate activity. ‘Against him who loves there is no law.’ Now that you live by charity and love, your life needs in this world are paid for by the Lord; and public property and utilities are yours to freely use; in your service to the Lord. SIMPLY SEND BACK YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE, CANCEL THIS UNLAWFULLY CREATED CONTRACT, FORFEIT THE ‘SURNAME’ AND WALK AS A NATURAL MAN AND SERVANT OF JESUS CHRIST. THIS IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO AS THE LAW RECOGNIZES THE BIBLE AS THE LAW OF THE WHOLE EARTH. THEY HAVE SPENT A LONG TIME IN THEIR DECEPTIVE EFFORTS TO GET PEOPLE TO WALK AWAY FROM JESUS CHRIST AND HIS LAW AND TO GET PEOPLE TO ‘CONTRACT’ WITH THEIR PRIVATE LAW! JESUS CHRIST IS YOUR SURETY AS THE BIBLE DECLARES, HE HAS PAID FOR ALL YOUR SINS BY HIS DEATH, WHICH MEANS SPIRITUAL AND MATERIAL; BOTH IN THIS WORLD AND THE OTHER! AND HIS RESURECTION EMPOWERS YOU TO WALK IN THAT FORGIVENS, TAX EXEMPT AND DEBT FREE. IT IS FINISHED! THEN THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TOUCH YOU WITH THEIR ‘FICTIONAL POSITIVE LAWS’ AT ALL! WE ARE TRULY FREE IN CHRIST IF WE WILL OBEY ONLY HIM AND HIS LAW! ‘THE NAME OF THE LORD IS A STRONG TOWER, THE RIGHTEOUS RUN TO IT AND ARE SAFE’. When you are first born again, forfeit the benefits and privileges of the ‘straw man’ legal fiction by cancelling and forfeiting the birth certificate & surname (which is not even your property anyway, that is why you are taxed) to the Registrar General in your State. ‘The earth is the LORDS and everything in it.’ Psalm 24 – this is the law of the earth! The meek WILL inherit the earth when He returns, in the meantime, you are an heir of Christ and His child; and an Ambassador unto Him and you don’t have to ask to go to the fridge to eat! Do the children of the rich ask their fathers if they can eat from their father’s refrigerator? NO. You can now freely live on His earth as his child. You cannot ‘earn’ a living, this is preposterous, even though we all once believed the lie. A Godly father of a family is not required to provide for his children and wife, THE LORD IS! We were all deceived about this. Only slaves to sin are liable to pay for their existence & survival! Matthew 6:24-34 clearly explains this. Now when we work, we work for the LORD and his kingdom and his purposes only, not for the yoke of slavery and bondage to the world of commerce via a ‘job’. The very word ‘job’ is recognized in law as ‘official public business for private DISHONEST GAIN.’ Your birth certificate made you (in ignorance) a government agent which then forces you to take the publics money via a job. This makes you a law breaker and this is why everything has to be ‘licensed’ and ‘registered’, a license permits you to break the law for a fee or tax! The original fraud you commited was by identifying yourself as the ‘person’ on the birth certificate when you applied for any government benefit. The ‘person’ on the birth certificate is not you, it is an intellectual property belonging to the ‘Crown’ and you infringe on their property right when identifying yourself as the ‘legal identity name’ on the birth certificate. No one knows this of course until they seek it out. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT IGNORANCE OF LAW IS NO EXCUSE BUT EVERYONE SEEMS TO BE CONTENT TO WALK IN INGORANCE ANYWAY. The bible has strong warnings about this. From there, if you had a mortgage under your surname, send the bank a Notice that you are now a natural man and a servant of Jesus Christ and that the house is now the Lords (under title to Him) and that you OCCUPY it in His Name; and for them to write the debt off and send the land title to the government, or whatever suits their business. They may or may not do this, it doesn’t matter. Don’t worry about the title or who holds it or what name it is in, as a living man with inalienable rights, they won’t be able to get you out. The title is their business and problem, who cares what they do with it. Send the power company a Notice with the same principals and that they are to not interrupt the power supply, if they don’t want to do this, tell them to hand it over to ‘Ausgrid’ (in Australia) who are the government agency responsible for power and that this public utility is yours to freely use as a child of God. Warm them not to interrupt the power supply as this will constitute a violation of human rights. Send Telstra a Notice and inform them that they are required to supply your right to public telecommunications freely as a child of God. Send the RTA/RMS (NSW) [or your regulatory body for public road use] all your licenses and registrations for vehicles back to them (via Notice) and that you now possess these privately in the Name of Jesus Christ. You are essentially ‘abandoning’ the vehicle, which is the paper MSO (Manufactures’ Statement of Origin) and registration title ‘attached’ to the car, and then claim the car back as your private property. Give them the opportunity to supply ‘State plates’ for the vehicle. If they don’t, just create your own numbers and letters on a plate for identification purposes and inform them of it. I actually did a ‘my plates’ search on the RTA website; in order not to conflict with some other taken numbers and letters in the State; on my plates. Then you can freely travel wherever you like without tax (license and registration fees). I have been driving this way for some months now; and straight past highway patrol regularly, without being stopped at all! If you have no where to live, Send the Department of Finance & Services (NSW, which oversees all land titles in NSW via its various divisions) and the public trustee (who sell more real estate than virtually anyone else in our state from deceased estates and other liquidation of assets) and Public Housing Department; and request them to supply you with land and dwelling in accordance with your natural right to ‘life’. What you are doing here is Notifying all government agencies that have anything to do with ‘real estate’ to honor your rights; you are being courteous. If they don’t supply, tell them that you will find your own un-occupied government owned property, or any other un-occupied property under title to any legal fiction, artificial person or corporation (preferably bank owned on foreclosure), and take it in the Name of Jesus Christ as He is the possessor (owner) of all things and that you will occupy it in His Name. The Department of Finance and Services NSW have now informed me (20th July 2013) that they are not lawfully required to supply me with property according to my lawful right. They have tacitly (silently) agreed that I do have the right to lawfully occupy any un-occupied dwelling under title to any legal fiction, artificial person or corporation (all the same thing in effect). SO ON THAT BASIS, I CAN TAKE ANY UN-OCCUPIED DWELLING IN THE NAME OF THE LORD IN SERVICE TO HIM (Not for selfish lazy living but for service to the King). The Attorney General has also tacitly agreed that I have this same right to ‘life, liberty and property’, and as they possess the flow of all money and life essentials, they are to provide it, or to not prevent me from taking it. To avoid causing people to stumble, it would be best to procure a property that is under title by the government (public housing properties), or a bank (foreclosure properties called ‘MIP’s’ [mortgagee in possession]) or from corporations like new housing developments. ‘Private owners’ or ‘individuals’ will not understand what you are doing and will see Christians as stealing their property (which is not actually true as they don’t own those properties anyway under the birth certificate), but in their ignorance they will blame Christians and the Lord if you take their property, even though you have a lawful right to do so. This is best avoided, stick with ‘Corporate’ or ‘Government’ properties as they are taxable by the Lord for their usury activities according to the law in Habakkuk 2:6-8 and other places in the bible. Those who pile up wealth for usury are storing it up for The Lords TRUE servants that will distribute this wealth to the poor. In essence, they are now liable to pay tax on their usury activities and the damage they do to our land and people and we as his servants can take from them all we need, to feed, house and clothes ourselves as his servants and to distribute to the poor. IS THIS NOT BOTH POWERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL AND EVIDENCE OF THE POWER OF JESUS CHRIST OVER AND UNGODLY WORLD! Since their system has fully taken over our land (for now), they have to supply an income to spiritual men, who are not ‘civilians’ nor ‘military’, as goods & life essentials (food, clothing and all other property) can only be obtained via their fictional fiat currency. Fine. Send Centrelink (Australia. In your nation, whoever provides social insurance payments or public welfare benefits) Notice of your status and request a pension (by right, not by benefit or privilege) that is the right of the ‘ecclesiastical’ class of living men. If they refuse, take them to court, they will be made to cough it up. WE ARE TAKING THIS LAND BACK IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FROM FOREIGN EVIL CORPORATIONS WHO SERVE SATANS PURPOSES. YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO FILL OUT A SINGLE GOVERNMENT OR CORPORATE FORM AGAIN, NOR SIGN FOR ANYTHING (As this is ‘striking hands’ in pledge for debt and becoming surety for a ‘stranger’ as the bible calls it and forbids). For the ignorant who think that true biblical Christians who live this way are ‘not paying their way’ or looking for a free ride, think again. NOT A SINGLE TAX DOLLAR COLLECTED IN THIS COUNTRY SINCE THE ENACTMENT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT & THE INCOME TAX ACT HAS EVER PAID FOR A SINGLE PIECE OF INFRUSTRUCTURE IN THIS COUNTRY!! EVERY TAX DOLLAR SINCE THESE TIMES HAS BEEN PAID DIRECTLY TO THE FOREIGN CORPORATION KNOWN AS ‘WASHINGTON D.C’ (which has nothing to do with the United States) TO PAY BACK THE TOTAL NATIONAL REVENUES THAT OUR TRAITOROUS POLITIANS HAVE BORROWED VIA THE PRIVATE ‘FEDERAL RESERVE’ AT INTEREST. Not only that, but because all money in circulation is borrowed by a bankrupt corporation called ‘The Australian Government’, the more of this money that you use, or earn, the greater strain you are putting on the economy; as the money you have going through your hands must be paid back at interest. The more you have and earn, the more you and everybody else actually owes! By living freely, you are helping all; as your life essentials will be ‘accepted for value’ by the government and you will be helping to relieve the pressure on the economy. STAND YOUR GROUND, DO NOT YIELD TO THEIR CO-ERCION TO CONTRACT, KEEP YOUR COVENANT WITH THE LORD (not contracts with men) AND HE WILL DEFEND YOU! FORFEITURE OF THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE IS THE ‘DELIVERENCE FROM EGYPT’, ASSERTING AND CLAIMING YOUR RIGHTS IS ENTRANCE ‘INTO THE PROMISSED LAND.’ HE WHO THE SON SETS FREE IS FREE INDEED!!! Paul, son of Paul.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:09:33 +0000

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