Paul was sending John messages on the Ram Album in 1971. Of all - TopicsExpress


Paul was sending John messages on the Ram Album in 1971. Of all the messages the strongest may be found in the song Ram On. Paul said the title for the album came to him one day while driving through the Scottish country side, “And I just hit upon the word Ram. It’s a strong, it’s male, animal, and then there’s the idea of ramming, you know, pushing forward strongly.” The word ramming is defined as something forceful, giving heavy blows, like ramming something through, but that’s not the type of action expressed in the song Ram On. The song is sung in a soft tone almost like a hymn, quite the opposite of pushing forward strongly. It gives the feeling of concern or a warning, as if Paul is giving advice. The song has a ukulele accompaniment which is interesting in respect to John. The first chords John learned on a stringed instrument were on a ukulele taught to him by his mother Julia. When John purchased his first guitar he played ukulele chords. It was Paul who showed him the correct fingering for the guitar. The ukulele accompaniment was a not-so-subtle message and one John would not have missed. In the lyrics, Paul may have been offering John spiritual advice he did not want to hear: “Ram on, give your heart to somebody soon right away, right away!”(A good Christian belief) There is also an anagram in the song title: Ram On = Roman (as Polanski?). It may be the answer to why John referenced the movie Rosemary’s Baby on the Imagine album cover jacket. “Ram on, give your heart to somebody soon right away, right away!” “Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky.” youtube/watch?v=2Swl9Iqh6DQ
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 18:49:28 +0000

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