Paula Priesse June 26th – Final figure for 1st quarter GDP - TopicsExpress


Paula Priesse June 26th – Final figure for 1st quarter GDP growth is a pathetic 1.8%! And this week a survey revealed that 76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. But President Obama couldn’t care less. Already gouging us with his healthcare fiasco, O now wants to do the same with our utility bills. Yesterday, he signed a memorandum ordering the EPA to put the squeeze on carbon power plants. If Congress doesn’t play ball, a senior official said the WH will act on its own. This in spite of the NY Times, the BBC & the New Republic acknowledging that global temperatures have been flat the last 15 years. But O wasn’t done. He also said no Keystone pipeline if it leads to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Another WH scam. Exactly how is Canada piping the oil instead to the coast and then shipping it to China going to reduce CO2? It won’t and O knows it. But Keystone jobs means fewer people dependent on government. O’s irrational decision making is not mere ideology, it’s pathological. This relentless war on working Americans has got to stop!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 00:38:06 +0000

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