Pauls statement regarding yesterdays tense peaceful protest which - TopicsExpress


Pauls statement regarding yesterdays tense peaceful protest which turned wrongly violent thanks to the SH operators and then the police: Peaceful protesters were assaulted by slaughterhouse workers under the direction of Ms. Bielak, the co-owner of St. Helens Meat Packers. You can see her in many of the videos and photos. She came at us yelling okay you have to move! its time to kill cows! I was stunned by the immensity of the evil operating through this person, at her complete disregard for both human and nonhuman life. She really appeared willing to murder activists that day by running them over with a transport truck and came very close to doing so. After she charged out at us several workers started assaulting activists. The truck driver, working in cooperation with Ms. Bielak, twice tried to run over peaceful protesters and came within inches of doing so before stopping. Slaughterhouse workers encouraged the driver to back over activists and crush them. The scene was chaos and madness, orchestrated by Ms. Bielak. The police did not ask me to leave or identify themselves to me, as they should have done. They just dragged me off and threw me down, causing the concussion. At first I believed they were slaughterhouse workers because I could not see them. Had I known they were police I would have stood up and walked with them. I am especially concerned by the fact that they brutalized a young lady, a former student of mine, whom I know to be a nonviolent activist, choking and assaulting her, then crushing her head and body beneath their knees -- under three officers -- and then holding her overnight. She was battered and bruised by the incident. It was a case of police brutality and excessive force. This person did nothing wrong. She is innocent. It was like a reply of the G20, where police violated civil liberties and assaulted innocent people. Then we saw that the police issued reports that were false and the mainstream media printed them, and did not bother to provide balanced coverage. The assaulted activist was herself wrongly charged with assault. Then this same officer arrested another peaceful person who was nearby watching this and arguing with the officer regarding the brutality against this young woman. It was a replay of the infamous Officer Bubbles from G20. 12 Division police acted without restraint and with excessive force in those two cases, which was disappointing because we had made a great effort to reach out to police the week before, speaking with their community officer to let them know we were nonviolent. The violence started by Ms. Bielak escalated tensions. This agitated police who then assaulted activists. Throughout, activists behaved peacefully and with restraint, despite the violence being done to them. We had intended for this to be a nonviolent action but Ms. Bielak and the Officer Bubbles like person at 12 Division turned it into a violent scene. The media misrepresented the violence as though it was activists who were causing it. Both the police and the media were clearly biased in favour of the slaughterhouse, except for the To. Sun. The Sun reporter was fair. The police knew they had acted wrongly, when I spoke with them at the station. It was a huge disappointment after our efforts to work with them. The entire thing was a disgusting display of violence by the slaughterhouse owner and employees, and then the police, followed by a blatant misrepresentation of the truth by the mainstream media (except for the Sun). Thank goodness activist videographers were present to record the truth for the social media. Of course the biggest victims in all of this are the cows themselves. We need to continue advocating on their behalf. The injustice of what is being done to them is monstrous and evil beyond comprehension.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 01:27:37 +0000

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