Paving the way for the Global King of lawlessness Who can rescue - TopicsExpress


Paving the way for the Global King of lawlessness Who can rescue Italy? Europe has given away all its cash to China. Now only China can bail them out, and take control of its new assets. God has put a delusion on people, explains Paul in his second letter to the Thessalonians . 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. (end of scriptures) When you reject Jesus (the truth) God will send a powerful delusion on you. So you will not be able to see the writings on the wall. What is the present wickedness of men? Let me highlight some of the latest: The free and democratic West has permitted its leaders to send all their cash to totalitarian China. It is called “investments”. The result is over 20 per cent unemployment in Spain, and 13-14 per cent in several states in the US. The citizens are watching deceptions of TV, and read rubbish in their national media. That must be the reason why people do not revolt, and persecute the culprits. Nations like Ireland, Portugal and Greece have gone bankrupt. Soon the European Union will have no more free cash to bail out the rest of the nations, who will default. They default, because the elite has robbed their own nations. Globalism has deleted national borders, and marginalized all whistle blowers. There is no space in media for those who do not agree with the new emerging “Global regime”. Forgotten are the worries over Volcano’s on Iceland in the North Atlantic. A year or so ago, Europeans could not fly, because their airports were closed due to treat of aches. Forgotten is the warnings from the Wikileaks, who exposed the unlimited double standard of the global elite. That literally all nations are lead by hypocrites, who lies and mislead the people without any regret. Forgotten is the warnings from Wikileaks, that Arab rulers would fall when their leaked cables exposed that they were puppets of Washington. The dictators in Arabia were gifted billions of corrupted US dollars. They stored them in their secret Swiss bank accounts, while ordinary citizens did not have enough cash to buy a bread. Forgotten is the totalitarian Islamic ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, who now are presented in our media as “peace makers” and true “democrats” of Egypt. Forgotten is the global demand for a new “Palestine state” in the Middle East, who will be cleansed for Jews. A hostile anti-Jewish state that is supposed to have East Jerusalem as its capital. Forgotten is the nexus between News Corps and the Scotland Yard. All democratic laws and regulations were set aside by the power of money. The press bribed the police to get the stories, to bring you bread and circus. Billions of comfortably numb people keep on reading the same tabloids and are glued to the same TV channels. Forgotten is the news that thousands of Roman Catholic priests have raped children of Catholic families. Forgotten is the reports, that expose Bishops and Cardinals hiding the criminals. The Vatican it self ordered a smoke screen, to avoid the public to come to know the full truth. Two globalists. One a politicians, the other a man who claim to be “god”, the “Holy Father”. Who is in the receiving end of all these deceptions? You are. If you reject Jesus, you will accept all this stuff. Simply because you have become corrupt or lukewarm. You take pleasure in your life of sin. You are content with what you have. Soon you also will close your eyes, when true followers of Jesus are persecuted and killed. There are still people around, who are not willing to become corrupt like you. They will spend their last days in this fallen World, to warn people of billions having to spend eternity in Hell. Only by the blood of Jesus man can be saved. Only by making Jesus your Master you can escape the coming wrath of God. The World is fast approaching the chaos needed, to bring fear into all nations. When chaos and confusion has reached the perfect stage, all corrupt people will desire to see the new global King enter the World stage. He will put him self above “god’, and speak things unheard of. He will blaspheme the teachings of Jesus, and claim there is something good and holy in all religions. You are still free to decide where you will spend eternity. In whom you will trust. If you fall into the trap on the One World Government and obey the One World religion, you will perish. Jesus the Messiah is the only answer. In the end, there will only be two flocks. Those who have given their life to Him, and those who forever will regret that they rejected the truth. Deception will be no excuse. When Jesus returns to Earth, He will tell tens of millions of people, who claimed to know Him. “I never knew you”. Do not become one of them.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 21:56:08 +0000

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