Pawpaw Alternative Cancer Treatments Evidence June 28, 2012 - TopicsExpress


Pawpaw Alternative Cancer Treatments Evidence June 28, 2012 Posted by AdamMiller under Effective Natural Cancer Treatments No Comments As Alternative Cancer Treatments are Concerned, PawPaw has Scientific Support PawPaw Natural Cancer Treatments Evidence Pawpaw has emerged as one of the simplest alternative cancer treatments. Pawpaw is one of the most popular fruits in the eastern states of the US, being native to North America. The pawpaw trees have been cultivated for many years and people have been enjoying the sweet and soft texture of the fruit as a snack. Over the past few years, research has been carried out to find out the medicinal qualities of pawpaw and to what extent it can prove to be beneficial for your health. Jerry McLaughlin is the man behind the progress in the discovery of pawpaw as an effective remedy for cancer. He was the one who raised awareness about the cancer fighting qualities of pawpaw, winning the Varro Tyler Prize for Research on Botanicals in 2007 for his efforts. Pawpaw has been found to be effective in depleting the cancer cells of energy and preventing them from growing. It can reduce the risk of cancer as well it stopping it from spreading. How Pawpaw Works as a Remedy for Cancer Pawpaw contains certain atoms, known as the annonaceous acetogenins. These are the ingredients mainly responsible for fighting the cancer. The acetogenins block the flow of energy to the cancer cells which robs them off the potency they require to multiply. This is what makes pawpaw one of the most effective alternative cancer treatments around today. The cancer cells require much more energy than the normal healthy cells. By depriving them of the energy, the spread of cancer is restricted. In effect, the pawpaw triggers a self-destruct pattern on the cancer cells by stopping them from growing. There will be a time when there won’t be any cancerous cells growing in your system and the healthy cells will take over. Destroying the cancer cells is the main purpose of alternative cancer treatments like pawpaw.Pawpaw Clinical Anecdotal Evidence as an Alternative Cancer Treatment Administering Pawpaw to Patients The best thing about using pawpaw as treatment as that you don’t need to have medical supervision. After all, how difficult could it be to have a few pieces of fruit everyday? You would have to consult your doctor about the quantity in which you have to take the pawpaw to ensure there is sufficient dosage and consumption. Make sure the physician you consult is a specialist in alternative cancer treatments. Side Effects of Pawpaw How harmful could a fruit be? That is the question that comes to mind when thinking about the side effects of pawpaw. Being a fruit, it isn’t really harmful at all. However, there are some side effects which you might face if you don’t follow the recommended dosage. The most common side effects are nausea and vomiting along with allergies. Yet, these side effects are only experienced in the beginning of the treatment. As you keep on consuming pawpaw, the side effects will wear off. That being said, women who are pregnant or have recently given birth should not consume pawpaw. Some of the elements in the fruit might cause health problems for them and their child. The research and tests that have been carried out so far show clearly that pawpaw is one of the safest and most effective alternative cancer treatments you will find. If you want to go for a sweet and simple solution, then pawpaw is the answer for you. Find Effective Alternative Cancer Treatments
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:16:20 +0000

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