Pay Attention you fools! People like Al Sharpton and Jesse - TopicsExpress


Pay Attention you fools! People like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, are black activist! That means they get involved in situation where black peoples rights are being violated by the powers that be, meaning the government, white corporate America, and the police! When someone has either violated your civil rights or oppressed you in some sort of way! STOP ASKING! I repeat STOP ASKING, where were they when a gang member killed another gang member in Chicago last week. That is ridiculous and retarded to make that comparison! Do you dummies understand that? Do you realize that your asking how come all of are black activist didnt fly to Chicago and march in front of big tookies house for shooting loc-dawg down there on 23rd St. Are you frickin kidding me? Our black activist and community leaders are there to hold a governor and mayor and deputy prosecutor of ferguson accountable for there actions and or lack there of! When two people have a domestic dispute in the hood over colors or territory or dating the same hood rat! Thats not an incident that merits the president of the United States sending Eric Holder the attorney general of the United States on Air Force 1 to settle a dispute at daboshis! The police are civil servants that are paid by a tax paying public that consist of over 2/3rd of black people in ferguson, so that means that they are beating, gassing, and killing the very same people that are paying them, they took a oath to up hold the law and protect the citizens of their county, no gang member ever in the history of gangbanging ever raised his right hand and swore to up hold any one of the million of laws that we have or to protect the people in the community, if they did then they would be in direct violation of the laws that millions all over the world died fighting for, and Al sharpton would be at their door. THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN ANY SUCH OATH! So please stop comparing the two, cause it makes you sound ignorant and like a under cover racist.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 01:56:35 +0000

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