Pay the penalty? I appreciate the path of the least resistance - TopicsExpress


Pay the penalty? I appreciate the path of the least resistance because it is the easiest way to skate past this governmental indiscretion. But we are not at the point of a pesky little tax hike instituted by our government. We have a full-blown cancer coursing through our collective (no pun intended) veins so taking an aspirin like paying the penalty is further MASKING the DISEASE not curing it. Our government is no longer PASSIVELY influencing our FREEDOM. It is ACTIVELY manipulating our emotions with lies and deception fully supported by the Mainstream Media complicit in the ruse. Two things matter with these people: votes and money. Period! Taking a pill (paying the penalty) does little if nothing more than nourishing the disease, allowing to continue to laugh in our face. Now when the government gets into your health maintenance with the ACA, Obamacare, whatever you want to call it, AVOIDING the disease by feeding it with anything is tantamount to avoiding the appropriate treatment, keyword = avoidance. Cancer treatments so often MUST kill the patient to affect a cure, or, at least, offers the best chance of defeating the disease. In the spirit of Henry David Thoreau, civil disobedience in the form of NOT PAYING AND NOT COMPLYING EN MASSE is the only cure for this malignancy. For years I have been responding to the childish whining of individuals lamenting about how prices for insurance whether health or property are skyrocketing. My static response is Why? Because we keep feeding the monster. Continue sending them a check and guess what happens. Oh, but it shows what you know. Im required to pay with my mortgage, car insurance, taxes, etc., you know, or I lose everything, go to jail, ad nauseum. My question in this current scenario is: Which is more painful: Bankruptcy or civil disobedience? And at this point in history, is there that much of a difference of effect between the two? Sure, it can be devastating on an individual basis, for your family. But Im suggesting turning those tables on them by employing the term collective to combat this disease. Since they insist on hope and change Im hoping a change in our sheepish wish for change needs to collectively morph into an active regimen to eradicate this disease now. Or would you prefer to move closer to economic and governmental slavery by contributing financially to this festering malignancy? Hmmm? Pay it and you deepen their control. I understand your point, jvr1980808, and in a slightly more mundane situation, would agree. But we are currently at war with an administration utilizing Alinsky and Cloward & Piven strategies to gain control of this country illicitly with lies and deceit no matter how you look at it. Delaying our response with reasonable debate fosters deeper lies and bolder deception as well as giving them more time to concoct better ways to screw us over even more.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 20:50:30 +0000

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