Peace Friday, 17 October 2014. Year VII - National - TopicsExpress


Peace Friday, 17 October 2014. Year VII - National Edition THE KEYS OF WISDOM: You Will Only Success When significant Consider Your Objective One obsession . Are Evidence Of Authority The provision legitimizes, The The Protection And Promotion. Mike Murdock Word of the Day: However, they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. So even and gospel was preached also to the dead, that they even judged according to men in the body, live by the Spirit as God. The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear and be alert; devote yourselves to prayer. (1 Peter 4.5-7;). 1) - May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14). REFLECTION: God does so much for us! He is the strength and the promise that strengthens our life. He is the One who saved us from sin and death. Our praise comes from our gratitude for what He has done, recognition of who He is and anticipation of what He will do. But praise can not be compartmentalized to fit only in places such as worship or a moment of silence. Praise involves every aspect of our lives. It is therefore very important that sintonizemos the words of our mouth and the motives of our heart at ease and work of God. Then the particular praise, if performed alone in stillness or in a group with other Christians, will become the time to tune our hearts and our lives for the public praise, that is, our life before life is a song of God to a world that has not heard the song of God yet. 2) - And it came to taking them out, he said, Escape for thy life, look not behind thee, and no pairs in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. (Genesis 19:17). REFLECTION: God wanted to spare Lot and his family from destruction in Sodom and Gomorrah, and just gave them some advice: do not look back !!! How many of us have lived, looking back ?? Is there something holding you to your past ?? Longing for a loved one ?? A feeling of loss or defeat ?? A life of communion with the Lord and revival you had and today has more ?? I do not know what has made you look back, but we must remember that the Lord delivered us from death and sin, gave us eternal life in Jesus, He made us to be born again, old things have passed away and all things have become new! !! So lets live this commitment to our Lord, a new life, full and abundant life, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Lets look forward with hope, look up with faith, and look around with love. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Valuable To God: But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power that comes from God and not from us. (2 Corinthians 4: 7). Does low self-esteem is really the problem of our current society? Maybe we need a better understanding of how things really are. First of all, I must recognize myself as a sinner. But I also recognize that when Christ came into my life, He gave me value. He put his treasure in an earthen vessel, that is my life. And now, with a new confidence and boldness, I have something to offer, because He has made me a person of value. A great writer can write on a piece of plain paper and the paper suddenly becomes valuable. A great artist can have a plain white screen on it and make a beautiful painting that is priceless. It is not the paper or canvas that are valuable; but, what the author put on them. The apostle Paul knew the value of the work he did for the Lord was not due to his own ability, but because of the power of God working in him. He wrote to the Corinthian church: We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power that comes from God and not from us. (2 Corinthians 4: 7). God wrote His name on you when you gave your life to Christ. He invested Himself in you. Thats why you can make a difference. God wants to use you. He has a place for you, a song for you to play, you sow a seed, a call for you to answer. QUOTE OF THE DAY: You must pray that the way be long, full of adventures and experiences. Constantine Peter Cavaly FREE SPACE: BIBLE READING Matthew 24.6-14 IS COOLING! Due to the increase of wickedness, the love of many shall wax cold; (Mt 24.12). While the physical world warms up (according to some researchers), the spiritual cools. This is almost always coldness effect is rarely concerned. The society around us greatly values personal exposure: one that does not stand out, does not exist. The pursuit of success because a complete frenzy. At the same time, it creates a stress in the total occupying the second plane. Judging defeated, begin to panic, causing everything to be seen. Has anyone changed the famous phrase I think, therefore I am in I appear, therefore I am. Begin until the citizens promoting human carnage to come out of anonymity arise. The man of our time sitting in an armchair and controls the flat with a gadget in hand. Mal realize that often it is being controlled! Part of the society of the spectacle, even many evangelical communities elaborate public celebrations fleeing reflection and enrichment arising from the practical experience of biblical principles. Avoids messages that one is led to think, as many feel that tired and wanting to go to church to rest. For these, the cult has to work only as a therapy. As we just feeding us the information disclosed by the media, most evil becomes common, banal. Also, the closer we are Christs warning in verse highlighted. When less noticed, our love for God, the community to which we belong and the people who need Christ cooled. Does everything that is happening still leaves us in no doubt that the end times are near? What is more accurate to serve us warning of the danger we are exposed to - living apart from God forever? Today is, more than ever, time to seek God and watch! If the love of God has cooled, we must return to the source of heat. PRAYER OF OUR FATHER: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come; let it be thy will be done on earth as in heaven; our daily bread Give us this day; And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors; and let us not fall into temptation; more deliver us from evil; {For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever, Amen}. SPECIAL MESSAGE: Tripping and Falling: All stumble and fall, especially when walking and are seeking changes - your case. Everybody hurts and bleed, outside or inside, even when they only want to live life fully - your case. Everyone feels exhausted, one day or another, and stop walking to rest when they can not go even one more step - your case. His case, my case and the case of those who are alive. Nobody said our adventure of living would be easy but, despite stumbling, falls, pain, sorrow, injuries, loneliness and exhaustion, yet you are stronger. Even when dropped, or dropped, you can get up and continue. You are stronger than their apparent limitations and the proof is that when you feel something is limiting your life. If it were not stronger nor notice. You are stronger than your wounds, why heal search as soon as possible to return to fight in life, in family, at work, at school or wherever your return is necessary. You are stronger than sadness because, deep down, wants it to go to give way to joy and happiness. You are much stronger. Stronger than others think, as good as you know. Stronger than you think, however believe that knowing yourself. Stronger than anyone on earth can you find that is. His strength can not be measured on devices, can not be stored or sold. She is in there and you can only use it when you feel you must, when you think you can, if you expect to. Their losses are not permanent, like Marilyn vos Savant says when he said: Being knocked down is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. And you will not give up, because you are strong, and always will be stronger. Show it to the world today and if for any reason, you stumble and fall, remember: you are stronger. Take a deep breath, get up and do not give up. Giving up is what makes all permanent defeat. Getting up is what makes every defeat only one more lesson towards your success unbeatable. 1) - The Cure (The Cure) {1995} XviD [Complete] https://youtube/watch?v=pibzo6l4Oks PRAISE 2) - Newsboys - Restart (Lyric Video). https://youtube/watch?v=pBwH0XOb6dk WE PRAY: Dear Father, help me to forget things of the past, the experiments serve only as an example and help me to walk in this new life in communion with the Lord. Forgive me for so many things wrong, and help me to not practice over these same things of the past, the old nature and the carnal man. I want to fully live this communion which the Lord brought to me, a life filled with His love. I pray in Jesus name. Amen. BIBLE SOCIETY OF BRAZIL good Morning be happy A FAMILY IS THE BASIS OF ALL Perci Leonardo 55 011 9 47447199
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 11:44:44 +0000

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