Peace Friday , January 17, 2014 . Year VII - National - TopicsExpress


Peace Friday , January 17, 2014 . Year VII - National Edition THE KEYS OF WISDOM : Your Success Is Determined For What You Are Willing To Ignore . The Atmosphere You Creates Determines The Product You Produces . Mike Murdock Word of the Day : Valedictory These things I have spoken through figures , the time cometh, that shall not speak unto you by comparisons , but clearly will talk to you about the Father On that day you will ask in my name , and you do not speak plainly about the Father On that day you will ask in my name: and I say to you that I will pray the Father for you . For the Father himself loveth you , because ye have loved me and have believed that I came from God . I came from the Father and entered the world, however, I leave the world and go to the Father Told his disciples : Now that you mention is clearly and do not make use any figure. Now that we know all things and do not need to have anyone ask thee: by this we believe that, in fact , came from God . Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe ? Behold, the time is now come , that ye shall be scattered , every man to his own , and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me . These things I have spoken unto me that ye might have peace . In the world ye shall have tribulation : but be of good cheer , I have overcome the world . (John 16.25-33 ) . 1 ) - So I say, live by the Spirit , and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. ( Galatians 5:16 ) . REFLECTION : I do not want you to think about an orange rhino flying with blue wings . Now stop . I do not want you to think about it anymore . You know there is an orange rhino flying , much less one that flies with blue wings . Of course the point is simple: the more we try to do something, the more we focus on it and sure enough just doing what they should not . This is why the gift of the Holy Spirit is so important. He empowers us to go beyond our sin - not just focusing on it and rejecting it , but also enriching ourselves and distracting us with the important things of God . 2 ) - It was for freedom that Christ has set us therefore keep standing firm and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. . ( Galatians 5:1 ) . REFLECTION : Paul writing to the Galatians intends to tackle something of human nature , which is battling for something that does not have , forgetting that own freedom , the case . Our call was for freedom , contrary to what many think Jesus did not call us to a new system of slavery. He called us to the freedom of God . The decision to remain free is in our hands , Christ freed us and who decides to remain free we are. We can all things but not everything is beneficial . *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** trials : My brothers , consider it pure joy the fact passed by various trials , for you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete , not lacking some thing . ( James 1:2-4 ) It would be nice if we could have the trials in our lives as options , as choices , is not it ? It would be nice if we could say : I will skip this . But the fact is that trials acometerão the life of every believer . See what James says, Consider it pure joy fact go through various trials [ ... ] ( James 1:2 ) . The term various trials could also be translated as divers temptations . So no two trials or necessarily the same experiences. You will be tested , is right . The question is : will you pass or fail ? We must remember that God never tests us without a specific reason . The main purpose of God is molding us into the image of Jesus Christ. God wants to produce a family likeness in us . This means that some trials and tests will show the immediate results , while others will produce long term results . In other words, there are times when I can go through a trial , look back and say : . Learned such a thing when I went through that experience But there were also times when I faced a difficulty and can not see what I learned from her. But , even though I have not realized what happened that helped me to become a little more like Jesus. He works in my life to mold me and shape in his own image . Sometimes its hard to tell in each experiment resulted , but we must remember that God is in control of all things and His main purpose is to mold us into the image of His dear Son . QUOTE OF THE DAY : The sweetest of all companions of the soul is hope. unknown FREE SPACE : Bible Reading Psalm 50.1-23 SACRIFICE : Offer to God a sacrifice of your gratitude ... (Ps 50.14 ) In ancient times worship was provided through the sacrifice of animals , whereas nowadays the way traditionally people who fear God intend to honor him is by means of worship and praise . Gather for joint worship or celebration, singing, playing instruments , pray , lifting hands in praise are some of the outward manifestations used to express worship. Previously many thought would be sufficient for animal sacrifices God is pleased them , but heard him : Do you think I need this ? Maybe for some of our services someone listen to the voice of God saying, Stop that noise! You think that because they sing , raising hands , roll their eyes or cry Im thrilled you tickling me ? The outward expressions of worship are not bad in themselves , if they meet the real hearts and truly surrendered to God. The Scriptures insist show them how important the relationship with God is a unity of life : fulfill your vows ( promises ) , he says . And the wicked , that despite all the talk is pie life before God , he says : What right do you think has to be my law reciting or quoting my alliance ? You keep quoting Bible verses and texts posting about my love , but not obey me and turns his back to my words ! Speaks but does not! I still remember the story of the dealer who claimed to have Gods protection because they always got pastors in your home , praying for him . He needed , yes , of prayer , but to repent and change your life! A covenant with God is not about talk, but real life . We thank God ? Our life needs to demonstrate it in daily life, every step of the day. The relationship with God must be truthful and not words . SPECIAL MESSAGE : Our Silences : There are some things that are too beautiful to be described by words. You must admire them quietly to enjoy them in all their fullness . The great speeches serve often to confuse or indoctrinate . Sometimes silence is more enlightening than a stream of words . Look for a mother on her child in the cradle . He can very well anything you want without saying a word. In fact , the words should be packing thoughts . Useless to make long speeches to express the feelings of your heart . One look says more than a stream of words. In fact , the words should be packing thoughts . Useless to make long speeches to express the feelings of your heart . One look says more than a stream of words. I think , in his great wisdom , nature has given us only one language and two ears to listen more and talk less . If the words are not more beautiful than silence , then it is better not to say anything . The more the heart is big and generous are words less useful . You must remember the saying of the philosophers : the true words are not always pretty and beautiful words are not always true. Great minds are such that, in a nutshell , many things are heard . Small minds think they are, by contrast , the granting to talk and say nothing . Few words are needed to express I like you . Therefore , all the others that could be said ...... are superfluous and are not short, easy words unspoken. Those that cause the greatest consequences are . Only two years are necessary for the human being learns to speak and a lifetime to help him learn to be silent . Be measured with words is proof of profound wisdom . Listening too. LET U.S. PRAY : Lord God , thank you for the freedom that was won by Jesus Christ , bought at the price of blood . Teach me to give more value to freedom , and forgive for my lack of gratitude . Help me to stand firm , and I will not put myself in a yoke of slavery . I pray in Jesus name . Amen SOURCE : BIBLE SOCIETY OF BRAZIL good day Be Happy THE FAMILY IS THE BASIS OF ALL Perci Leonardo 011 7868-0456 ID.55 * 86 * 235292
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 09:25:58 +0000

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