Peace Friday , March 14, 2014 . Year VII - National - TopicsExpress


Peace Friday , March 14, 2014 . Year VII - National Edition THE KEYS OF WISDOM : The False Accusation IS Last stage preceding The Promotion Supernatural . Miracles Happen As quickly as The Tragedies . Mike Murdock Word of the Day : The Christian Conduct Remind everyone to be subject to rulers and authorities , to be obedient , be always ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one , to be peaceable , gentle and always show true humility toward all men . At one time we too were foolish , disobedient , deceived and enslaved lived by all kinds of passions and pleasures . We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another . But when , from God our Saviour manifested kindness and love for all people , not because of righteous things we had done , but because of his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit , which he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior. He did it so that , justified by his grace , we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. Faithful is the saying , and want you to categorically affirm these things , so that those who believe in God to engage in the practice of good works . These things are excellent and useful to men . But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law , and because these things are useless and worthless . Whoso divisive , warn him first and second time . After that , discard it . You know that this person is perverted and is sinning , being self condemned . (Titus 3:1-11 ) . 1 ) - We know that all things work together for good to them that love God , to them who are the called according to his purpose. ( Romans 8:28 ) . REFLECTION : God is in our lives . He is currently working , packing destructive mess of Satan and guiding us to places that He wants us to go . This is true in everything we do and everywhere we go. The key is to seek His purpose , to live in his will. If this is our goal , then we can be sure that our God is with us in every step of our journey . 2 ) - And be not conformed to this world to you , but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God . ( Romans 12:2 ) . REFLECTION : Renewing the mind is a process that can take as much or little, depending on each one. The Holy Spirit will teach us always subjecting our minds to God from the moment that we are made new creatures in Christ . Except that many of us simply do not learn , do not see or do not accept the teachings of the Holy Spirit and insist on thinking and behaving as before . The mind still incline to the things of the flesh . So lets devote our mind to God and experience the perfect will of God . ***************************************************************************************************************** A Divine Farewell: But when the fullness of time came, God sent his Son , born of woman, born under law , to redeem those under law, that we might receive adoption as sons ( Galatians 4:4 . - 5 ) When we think of Christmas , we think of the arrival of Jesus : Because a child is born to us, a Son was given to us [ ... ] ( Isaiah 9:6 ) . In fact , it was also a match . For us, a child is born . To God the Father , a Son was given . In heaven , the time had come to departure of the Son of God . There have been a record of His parting words to the Father said : [ ... ] Sacrifice and offering you did not desire , but a body you prepared for me ; burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased . So I said, Here I am , in the book it is written of me , come to do thy will , O God ( Hebrews 10:5-7 ) . Jesus literally was a throne in heaven to a manger . He spent the presence of angels to a stable of animals . It was bigger than the universe became an embryo. The Scriptures summarize well : being rich , became poor for love of you ( 2 Corinthians 8:9 ) . Nobody ever affected - even remotely - history as Jesus. He was opposed , censorship , exile and critic of every generation since birth , and yet his influence continues without being mitigated . There has never been anyone like Jesus , because Jesus was not just a good man . He was the God-man who came and walked this earth . And that is what we should celebrate every day. ENTREPRENEUR : MARCEL Fukayama 29 years Leader In Organizations CDI , B And Livestrong System Social entrepreneurship : a very appropriate to define the action of this young concept . Or rather , the multiple actions that it carries forward : Fukayama Marcel is a member of the global executive direction of the CDI , a company that seeks to transform the lives of residents of poor communities through digital inclusion. The CDI now has 6,500 Internet cafes affiliated with 780 spaces for digital inclusion in 13 countries , which primarily provide professional training at low cost . He is also part of the global council of System B , a movement that aims to use the power of business to solve social problems and, finally , is the leader in Brazil of Livestrong , the cancer -fighting organization . I had testicular cancer in 2008. Venci disease and , a year later, I joined the Livestrong . Ago at this time across the planet 30 million people facing this disease , cancer , in one of its many manifestations . They need to understand that first step to healing is to overcome the fear and stigma that causes cancer - and I want to help them in this, Fukayama account. AR ( FORBES BRAZIL ) . QUOTE OF THE DAY : There is no silver bullet . Growing is only solution for Brazil . Craig Calhoun FREE SPACE : Bible Reading Genesis 5.18-27 INTENSE LIFE : Enoch walked with God and was no longer found because God took him away ; ( Gen. 5:24) . Apparently there is not much difference between the two men of whom we read today , unless they both lived long and had sons and daughters . However , there are some details that distinguish them . The name Methuselah appears only as someone who was part of the genealogy of the descendants of Adam, and also of the lineage of Jesus . Moreover , Enoch , and also appear in the genealogical reports , is mentioned in the chapter of the heroes of faith (Hebrews 11:5) and also in Jude 14 . Hebrews emphasizes the highlight also recorded in Genesis : that Enoch pleased God ( walked with God ) and did not actually die because God snatched . Jude quotes a prophecy of him , ie , he had authority to speak on behalf of God . Comparing the lives of these men , who lived longer and better ? Well , chronologically , Methuselah lived longer because Enoch lived only 365 years , while the first has reached 969 . Considering , however , the references made by the author of Hebrews and Jude ( worth checking out ! ) , Enoch lived his life more intensely . He walked with God about to be raptured to heaven without tasting death . Also was a preacher of righteousness , even in the face of all opposition he faced. As Methuselah , the only thing that tells him is what we have seen above , and nothing more . People often say that they want to live intensely , ie , that every moment of his life has much value and worth . Enoch gives a simple but profound recipe for it: walk with God - live all the time in contact and under the guidance of the Creator of life itself . Here is a target that compensates pursue. Live intensely is the Creator have continually feeding back to life - and worth more than living widely . SPECIAL MESSAGE : Memorandum of God : A: Ti From: God I see you crying . Know also hear you . Be at peace . Calm down . I bring thee relief for your sorrow, because I know what the cause ... and healing. Do not cry anymore, Im with you ... Everything that happened before does not look more than this time you slept within your mothers womb . What is past is dead . Let me share with you, once again, the secret you heard at birth , and forgotten . You are my greatest miracle . You are the rarest thing in the world. You came , bringing with you, as does every child , the message that I was not yet discouraged of man . Two cells now united in a miracle . I gave you the power to think . I gave you the power to love . I gave you the power to will . I gave you the power to laugh. I gave you the power to imagine . I gave you the power to create . I gave you the power to plan . I gave you the power to speak . I gave you the power to pray. My pride in you knew no bounds . Use wisely your power of choice . Choose to love ... rather than hate. Choose to laugh ... rather than cry. Choose to create ... rather than destroy. Choose to persevere ... rather than quit. Choose to praise ... rather than slander . Choose to heal ... rather than wound . Choose to give ... rather than steal . Choose to act ... rather regrettable . Choose to grow ... rather than rot. Choose to pray ... rather than curse . Choose to live ... rather than die. Enjoy this day , today ... and tomorrow , tomorrow . Executedst the greatest miracle in the world. Got back from a living death. No longer will feel self-pity , and each new day is a challenge and a joy . You renasceste ... but , just as before , you can choose failure and despair or success and happiness. The choice is yours. The choice is exclusively yours. I can only observe with satisfaction ... as before ... or regret . Remember , then, the four laws of happiness and success . - Account thy blessings . - Proclaim your rarity. - Go another mile . - Use wisely your power of choice . And one more to complete the other four . Do all things with love ... love for yourself , love for all others, love for Me Wipes away your tears . Reaches out , grabs the My puts you upright . On this day , you were notified : YOU ARE THE GREATEST MIRACLE IN THE WORLD. LET U.S. PRAY : Dear father , I want you to ask forgiveness for the times I leaned my mind to the things of the flesh , even knowing of your teachings . My sincere desire , Father , is tilting my mind to the things of the Spirit . So, I now devote all my mind and my reasoning to you , so I pay attention to the teachings of Thy Holy Spirit, and I will act , not passivity in my mind , but as my free will , to align my mind with the mind of Christ . Help me and teach me Lord , to think the same way that Jesus thinks and this reflects in my act immediately . I ask you and I thank you in the name of Jesus Christ . Amen SOURCE : BIBLE SOCIETY OF BRAZIL good day Be Happy THE FAMILY IS THE BASIS OF ALL Perci Leonardo 011 7868-0456 ID.55 * 86 * 235292
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 08:24:32 +0000

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