Peace Maker Society explanation Corporate Statehood.... Any - TopicsExpress


Peace Maker Society explanation Corporate Statehood.... Any corporate statehood, means individuals have to surrender rights, and equality, to belong to a corporate state which grants them privledge and charges for it.. NOPE... A better way, which we have done, is each community creates its own rules, which are its law, and as long as they cause no harm, NO ONE GETS A SAY IN WHAT THEY DO.. That is the law of the land. The law of the sea needs to get the heck off the land, and no corporate rules should ever have force of law over any individuals rights. The very concept of legal personhood in obserd to anyone who truly comprehends unalienable, god given, or indigenous rights, sovereign rights, which are all the exact same thing. No other community has any right to force anything on any other individual or group who does not voluntarily belong to said community. All that communities need is to create unregistered, unincorporated, community solution initiatives which exceed corporate standards in how they are run, but run in a way which ensures full liability, which is competence commercially speaking.... rather then corporate statehood, which is limited liability, which is incompetent, as well as impossible to get remedy from for harm, when they enslave entire nations and cause billions in damages etc. Fully liable, unregistered, unincorporated organizations or programs, if they cause harm, disappear quickly as the signatory or organization would lose all assetts in the process if they do cause harm and would be liable for the full amount, as where corporate statehood can again cause ten billion in harm, and not be liable for most if not almost all of the damage at all. LINKS PROVING CANADA INC. IS A CORPORATION AS ARE ALL AGENCIES: Government of Canada Also Traded as Department of Justice on Dunn & Bradstreet (Proof Courts Are A For Profit Corporation) creditreports.dnb/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/IballValidationCmd?searchPerform=true&busName=Justice+Manitoba&country=CA&hiddenSessionId=661550237&searchType=BSF&storeId=11154&productId=0&state=MB&catalogId=71154#goTop RCMP Inc. Dunn and Bradstreet Info Link: creditreports.dnb/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/IballValidationCmd?storeId=11154&catalogId=71154&searchType=BSF&busName=RCMP&state=US&country=CA&cm_mmc=dnb-_-home-_-retail-_-lookup_-topbar#goTop CANADA INC. U.S.A. Security Exchange Information as IT IS A USA REGISTERED CORPORATION: The Vatican Incorporated: The Clearfield Doctrine proves when governments descend to the corporate level they CEASE to be governmental entities. Clearfield Doctrine It is well settled that an officer must be either elected, appointed or commissioned. Employees cannot be made officers “by virtue of their employment.” Even if they could, I.C. 59-703 (9) states, “Public office means any position in whi ch the normal and usual duties are conducted on behalf of a governmental entity.” The Clearfield Doctrine is explicit. The corporation registered and known as JUDICIAL COURTS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. The following is the DUNS number for JUDICIAL COURTS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS: DUNS number: 361736697 is listed as a ”CORPORATION” in the DUN & BRADSTREET BUSINESS (COMPANY) ENTITY database and is, therefore, “an entity entirely separate from government.” Notwithstanding any other Illinois Code section that is also superseded by Federal law, the alleged officers are NOT even employees of a “governmental entity.” “ . . . the government descended to the level of a mere private corporation and takes on the character of a mere private citizen . . . For the purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as an entity entirely separate from government.” Bank of U.S. v. Planters Bank, 9 Wheat. 22 U.S. 904, U.S. v. Erie Ry Co., 106 U.S. 327; Clearfield Trust Co. v. U.S. 318 U.S. 363 (1943). “When governments enter the world of commerce, they are subject to the same burdens as any private firm or corporation.” U.S. v. Burr. 309 U.S. 22; See 22 U.S.C.A. 286e. Bank of U.S. v. Planters Bank of Georgia. 6 L. Ed. (9 Wheat) 244; 22 U.S.C.A. 286 et. Seq., C.R.S. 11-60-103. Hear It From A Lawyer, AND RIGHT From A cops OWN MOUTH! NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE, ASIDE FROM TO NOTICE THEM YOUR AN EQUAL, AND SERVE THEM YOUR FEE SCHEDULE! ETC. Conditionally accept all unlawful orders from cops, under protest and duress, and bill them, as equals can charge a fee for unlawful orders which violate your unalienable rights! youtube/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc&feature=BFa&list=FLe3nirNoG8DSyAyJ44nizPw “Jurisdiction of court may be challenged at any stage of the proceeding, and also may be challenged after conviction and execution of judgment by way of writ of habeas corpus.” [U.S. v. Anderson, 60 F.Supp. 649 (D.C.Wash. 1945)] Just Incase You Think The Government Is REALLY THE GOOD GUY, FROM A SOLDIERS MOUTH WHO WAS THERE! youtube/watch?v=akm3nYN8aG8&feature=BFa&list=FLe3nirNoG8DSyAyJ44nizPw STATE OF EMERGENCY MESSAGE FROM Peace Maker Society!: Message from Founding Member Marcel otf Bessette. This news, combined with the Illegal Curfews and illegal seizing of children arbitrarily by PRIVATE SECURITY in Manitoba Housing etc... HERE IS THE ALERT, THE CORPORATIONS POSING AS GOVERNMENT ARE GOING TO USE PRIVATE SECURITY, AND MILATARIZED POLICE TO INVADE YOUR HOMES THROUGH THESE KIND OF UNLIENABLE RIGHTS VIOLATIONS. THEY HAVE STARTED THIS IN NY STATE YEARS AGO. Corporations posing as government, are using illegal/unlawful/nazi/fashist tactics which our statements are attested to here by Ron Paul Speech Here: youtube/watch?v=q03cWio-zjk&list=FLe3nirNoG8DSyAyJ44nizPw&index=11&feature=plpp_video I am estimated we in Canada have maybe 5 years or less, before we live in a real POLICEstate, if we are lucky, maybe 10. Our society programs will be up in full force SPRING 2014. Only take 1-3 years to become dominant in almost all cities around the world, by dominant I mean permanent infrastructure and society representation and successful unincorporated programs. IF THE CORPORATION POSING AS GOVERNMENT, GOES MUCH FURTHER, WE WILL ALL NEED TO PREPARE, AND IF IT GOES TO AN EXTREME, AND THEY COME FOR YOU, GET TOGETHER, AND PROTECT YOURSELF, THEY ARE A FRAUD, AND CRIMINALS PERIOD! KNOW WE HAVE PROGRAM DESIGNS FOR LAWFUL PEACE OFFICERS, COURTS, JAILS, ETC. For Details On This Go To and go to show archives, SCROLL DOWN TO Alternation Nov. 23, 2012 Radio Program where we talk about the ILLEGAL CURFEWS AND UNLAWFUL CEASING OF CHILDREN IN CANADA BY PRIVATE SECURITY ETC.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 03:36:15 +0000

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