Peace There’s a well-used cliché that says “practice makes - TopicsExpress


Peace There’s a well-used cliché that says “practice makes perfect.” Anyone who’s ever participated in a sport will tell you that while perfection is rarely attained, practice is an important component of the sport. The basketball player spends hours at the free throw line, shooting over and over again. He knows how to shoot a free throw, but he also knows that if he doesn’t practice he will lose some of his skill. That’s why the times spent on the court are called “practices.” The football quarterback throws ball after ball to his wide receiver. He knows the mechanics of throwing a football, just as the wide receiver knows the mechanics of running down the field and cutting at just the right time. The tennis player serves hundreds of balls in every training session; the golfer stands on the driving range for hours at a time. For each of these athletes, what they’re doing is practicing. Because without practice, little things slide by, skills deteriorate, and precision is lost. I think that’s the same reason that the things we do as a Submitter are referred to as “religious practices.” God says in 15:98-9: You shall sing the praises of your Lord, and be with the prostrators. And worship your Lord, in order to attain certainty. And the footnote for that verse says: “The practices of worship are our means of attaining certainty (Appendix 15).” Read more at Peace
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 07:08:39 +0000

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