Peace Thursday , March 13, 2014 . Year VII - National - TopicsExpress


Peace Thursday , March 13, 2014 . Year VII - National Edition THE KEYS OF WISDOM : What The Problem It infuriates Problem That God Gave To Him Be solved . Mike Murdock Word of the Day : Thus says the whole community of the Lord ? How did you commit this infidelity to the God of Israel As we turned away from the Lord by building an altar for you , rebelling against him so It was not enough in the sin of Peor ? Until not purify ourselves of that sin , even though a plague fell on the community of the Lord ! And now you are forsaking the Lord ! Today if you rebel against the Lord , tomorrow his wrath cometh upon the whole community of Israel . If you received the land as property is contaminated , then go on to the land that belongs to the Lord , where is the tabernacle of the Lord and take hold of a territory between us . But do not rebel against the LORD or against us , built for you an altar other than the altar of the LORD our God . When Achan son of Zerah , was unfaithful with respect to holy things , not the wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel ? And he was not the one who died for your sin. (Joshua 22.16-20 ;) . 1 ) - According as His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by glory and virtue , by which have been given us his exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature , having escaped the corruption that is in the passions of the world . ( 2 Peter 1:4 ) . REFLECTION : God made us to be like him in character and holiness. We are called to participate in the divine nature , and ensured that we will be ready when Jesus comes again. His promise is sure if we commit ourselves to follow it completely ! 2 ) - I waited patiently for the Lord , and he inclined unto me , and heard my cry . (Psalm 40:1 ) . REFLECTION : God corresponds to our delivery and confidence in him . God delights in those who hope in him with faith , patience and assurance that He will act according to what is best for us at the right time. God is present in every area , ball and moment of our existence by identifying with us and leaning to participate in the life with us , or better , to enable us to participate in life with Him He leaned over to me for love, grace and mercy . ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ No Greater Gift : Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights , who does not change like shifting shadows. ( James 1:17 ) . Some of the most precious gifts sometimes do not attract much attention. Take a quick look and do not see anything important . But if we go back and look again , we begin to discover the glory and wonder of that gift. So it was with the helpless babe in the manger . He was the only begotten Son of God . Words can not describe it , as Paul wrote in ( 2 Corinthians 9:15 :) Thanks to God for his unspeakable gift . Even God could not give a greater gift that He gave us . He gave His beloved Son . He gave the one who was with him for all eternity and sent into the world . Our Lord Himself spoke of a great demonstration of sacrifice in His parable of the vineyard owner , who was useless employees, who took care of their property . Sent their representatives and employees to the vineyard . One after another they were mistreated , and even killed . Then the owner thought, If I send my son , they will not mistreat him Surely they will respect you There is nothing besides This is the last act . . . . ( Hebrews 1:1 ) says that God spoke many times and in various ways to the world and to the nation of Israel. God gave the world many prominent men and women , but they were all overcome by the greatest gift that could be : the Son of God. This is what should fill with awe our minds and hearts : God did something for us that even He can exceed . He gave his only Son , His eternal Son and sent Him into the world. ENTREPRENEUR : PEDRO LORENZO 23 years STYLIST At 7 years old , Peter Lawrence , son of designer Gloria Coelho and Reinaldo Lourenço , began a course of cutting and sewing . Five years later created a complete collection for designer Carlota Joakina , belonging to her mother . The 15 years , launched her eponymous label in São Paulo Fashion Week and landed after four years in the fashion week in Paris. Fashion has happened in a very natural way in my life , he says . Today , at age 23 he has his parts in 18 points of sale worldwide, among them , Barneys New York , Browns in London and Corso Como, Milan In Brazil , besides the own store in Sao Paulo , their creations can be found in multi-brand unit 30 . Lawrence has made eight parades in Paris and eight in St. Paul and five performances in New York . Their clothes wear celebrities like Lady Gaga , Gisele Bundchen and Karolina Kurkova . In 2012 , figured in the American FORBES of 30 persons under age 30 in the category Art and Style list . And last year received The Most Promising Young Talent award, the French magazine Marie Claire . In the first half of this year , it will launch a line of makeup products in partnership with MAC , which will be distributed mundial.CE ( FORBES BRAZIL ) . NOTE PETROCHEMICAL Braskem Will pay 78 % more for Solvay Braskem increased by 78% the price of the tender offer ( OPA ) for the actions of the Argentine unit of Solvay Indupa . The new proposal arises from the unfavorable decision of the National Securities Commission ( CNV ) , on 3 January . The new value proposed by the petrochemical chaired by Carlos Fadigas is 2.40 pesos per share . The shares fell 20.7 % in 2014 . (Cash ) . QUOTE OF THE DAY : Fulfill your youth while ye . Wilde , Irish Writer FREE SPACE : Bible Reading Psalm 27.1-6 FEARLESS : If you make the Most High your shelter , no evil will reach disaster will come near your tent ; (Ps 91.10 ) . When fear is present , it is difficult to know what to do . We are all human , and even the Christian often goes through tough times . We live in a society that is always scared . Fear of robberies and kidnappings , fear that someone will do harm to our children , afraid that the money is not enough to pay the bills , fear of diseases and enemies . Thats a legitimate question faced by David ( the author of this psalm ) and also by the Christian of today : what to do about these threats ? Reading this psalm shows that David was surrounded by many problems . His enemies were advancing against him to destroy him . He was scared . This situation prompted him to write this psalm , in which the answer is inspired by the nature of God : The Lord is the strength of my life -of whom shall I be afraid ? ( V. 1b ) . David knew that God could do for him more than I thought and needed at the time of your life . At the front door of a friends family for a picture with the opening words of this psalm : The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear In this home, parents and children know that , despite major struggles through which they pass , it is much better to trust in the Lord . Learned that those who walk beside God need not fear . He is the light that dispels the fear of Christians, even when it is surrounded by very dark darkness. God shines in all circumstances and moments that we spent . When we face powerful enemies , he protects us and gives us the confidence to go through hardships and struggles of everyday life . With God , we are safe no matter what happens around us . That is why the Christian can do with verse chorus Spotlight: seek refuge in God is the best protection against fear and misery . If we are with God , there is nothing or no one that can do us harm . SPECIAL MESSAGE : Sorrows NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEMS : Once a girl of about 7 years walked barefoot to a nearby home street, sucking on a popsicle on a stick . At that time it was a popsicle rare item . Suddenly , a slightly older group of kids , ran around the corner , knocking the little and her popsicle on the run fell to the ground completely shattering . The girl sat on the floor and eyes wide, looking to this tragedy , which resulted from trampling caused by the boys . Do not know what to say . Only a very great sorrow took her. At that moment, a Old lady walking down the street , approached the girl and told her : Well , my little , the worst that could have happened to you . But get up, I ll show you something . The girl then stood up . Now put your right foot on top of the popsicle , step hard, and notice how it squirts between the toes of your foot . The girl then slammed on popsicle that was on the floor and it splashed between the data of the foot . The nice lady laughed and said : I bet there is no other child in this city that has already seedy toes with ice cream . Now go running to your house and tell your mother how this experience was fun . And remember: no matter how bad it is something that happens to you in life , you can almost always fun at her expense ! You never knew who was that lady , but the girl never forgets what the lady did for a sad girl . Throughout its path , remember that worse things have happened to you since then , and the words of that lady were forever in your heart ... LET U.S. PRAY : Dear father , the Lord hear our prayers , knows our thoughts , desires and needs . All of us that live in this world go through times of tribulation , distress , suffering, temptations , failures and problems . But I hope in the Lord , my trust is in you I pray in Jesus name . Amen! SOURCE : BIBLE SOCIETY OF BRAZIL good day Be Happy THE FAMILY IS THE BASIS OF ALL Perci Leonardo 011 7868-0456 ID.55 * 86 * 235292
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 07:28:18 +0000

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